USA Election. Who wins?

Yeah those big numbers give me anxiety, I’ve stopped reading so many threads I would’ve followed on the old boards as I can see how much there is to catch up with

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Trump going off about how they withheld the vaccine till he was out of office. I mean it is timing alright. Really bad timing for him, haha.


yeah absolutely the same. i tend to read if it’s less than 50 odd if not just scroll to the bottom (soz all)

I’ll happily put a tenner on never.

As long as there is Fox News, there will be an outlet of controversy, even just for comedy effect. When’s Murdock gonna roll over and die so the media can stop being so fucked.

Oh god I forgot about the inauguration, that would be absolutely hilarious. I bet he won’t show up. I just can’t imagine him ever going along with it and handing over power. He’ll just be doing angry tweets from a toilet somewhere. They can replace him with the baby trump balloon or something.

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I don’t think he will, he’ll just sit on the sidelines and throw shit or just silent in a grump. It does depend on how quickly the investigation cogs start turning.

I was actually googling whether or not he HAS to show up and apparently he doesn’t. I don’t think anyway.
He is a phenomenal man baby that in his eyes has NEVER lost.
Even Ivana was like ‘yeah, he never admits defeat’.

Even cheats when he’s playing a solo round of golf apparently. But when your successes are achieved through others’ hard work or just given to you by rich parenting and all losses are easily palmed off as somebody else’s fault, there’s never a chance that such a deluded spoilt narcissist could ever admit to not winning. Losing, failure and not making the grade are all part of the learning process, something he’s never had to do as everything has been done for him from the start.

It’d be like this, but worse.

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But when a ceremony turns into Partridge scale comedy overnight, that’s when it’s going to get funny. I.e. Four Seasons debacle.

Have you seen Fox this week…?

They’re not stupid.

Don’t be giving the Germans those ideas again!

Won’t be long. It’s pretty likely Biden’s first trips will be to see Mexico, Macron and Merkel. Nixon-style.Then I think we’re going to be seeing a lot more of Ange smiling again in the coming weeks and months.

They are distancing for sure, Trump is used goods, waste. Goes to show how fickle his peers were. But Fox is still a fucked up platform.

He’s still 1/10 to stay president. A lot of them didn’t close the markets yet.

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It’s incredible seeing all his supporters turn full rage machines at fox now . They really have nothing left that represents their deluded mentality and sheer refusal to accept reality… well except their new home , sorry safe space , Parler and MeWe .

They really are turning into those images of crowds going nuts in the Middle East burning American flags, but just don’t realise it.


Wonder how long Tucker Carlson will be around for?