USA Election. Who wins?

They would if they could, and their side wasn’t winning


Yeah, we have the football lads alliance and other fat tosser right wing groups, they just don’t have guns.


Thats because they know they’re no match for a muslamic ray-gun


Interesting. Seems to me that although the Tory party are most pale stale males, it’s largely a pathological hatred of the unemployed and the working classes which would be their main trait - however, the joking distrust of Johnny Foreigner and those daft Europeans who speak 2 languages doesn’t appear to have that same level of venom and hatred as the GOP, or indeed the Tory spitting disdain for those without wealth.


I love how Twitter has a statement underneath the tweet.

! Official Sources Called This Election Differently

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The asylum is preparing a room

Most of his recent Tweets have had that.

I think they changed it to this new statement though.

Previously was the claim about election fraud is disputed.

There are a few. He’ll get kicked off Twitter in January anyway, he only gets a pass because he’s a ‘person of significant interest’ at the moment.

I hope something bad happens to him and we can forget he was president.

I don’t, I hope people always remember that that happened. That a broke TV celebrity became president because of voter apathy. People should be taught that forever.


£681 million has exchanged hands betting on this election market.

He’s at it again today.

Runoff elections are tomorrow, btw…

Trump is toast.

Let’s hope so. The world really needs a massive middle finger to trump and his crackpots to put them back in their place .

I wonder what the Q-anon brigade will be scrabbling around their boardroom table this time?

Conspiracy nut jobs will be fucking exploding on the 20th.


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Yeah, without a doubt. I thought he’d have had something up his sleeve in the last few days, but The Phonecall would still have cancelled that out, if he did which he didn’t.

Runoffs about to begin.

Also this.