Wack UK Instagram Brands

Following up my previous with;

Sex - just stop. Cringeworthy for anyone post virginity.
Ravenous - I expect that this is long gone now? Grim.

Don’t have an issue with the rest but theres a lot of wack shit out there. Wont get my cash.

To balance the hate I like Skateboard Cafe.

I reckon having multiple skate shops in prominent locations carrying only Scum product is a bit harmful


Yeah sure, but at least they will sell to skate shops. I am sure there are some well known skateboard brands that don’t even sell their clothes to skate shops and even some that have pulled accounts away from skate shops in the past.

Not saying I totally agree with that approach but said companies are still giving back through releasing regular legit videos and sponsoring the right people (also opening a free indoor skatepark in winter)

Wouldn’t really say they are comparable to Scum who’ve bought their way into the market with absolutely no credibility and are directly stealing custom away from proper SOS shops carrying legit brands.

He’s no breakbeat or tro (mcr)


I’ve known Regan on and off since he was about twelve and learning to pop-shuv… Can confirm that he is a top lad, and does a lot for skating in and around Hull.

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I found something on a whole new level today.



Grizzly meets Minecraft mosher?

This one seems like an oblique riff on that old Chico fruit seller board

Hahaha. Bungle lost his shit with a scooterist :joy:


do tell

Snakes, scooters, blood and the lovable bungle hiding in the bushes :smile:

Fucking Bungabled, in my head im pronouncing it Bun-ga-bulled, which just sounds funny. Says the owners been at it 20 years, how can you skate for 20 years and soak up zero of the culture and come up with Bungabled.

Fuck it, Im backing these guys, its so shit and naive im in to it, need to see if I can get a few boards flowed from them.



There’s even a bungaclip :sweat_smile:


Never been in this thread before. What the fuck.


That was long. At least they got a Geoff Goldblum cameo at the end.

Just clicked on the link and the guy that runs it is EXACTLY how you imagine he looks