Wack UK Instagram Brands

Scum is absolute toilet water


Nick Remon is also sponsored by them :cry:

Checked out scum, sorry but it wasn’t too bad.
Def expecting a lot worse.

I just checked them out too to make sure I was correct and I am still correct. It’s really shit.


That video with the Burberry Metro is like an AS level media studies project and a waste of a good metro.

The Hated, Scum, Sex and Super Toxic are just brands with an aesthetic that isn’t for everyone, but I don’t have any issue with that. Are they really bad in any way at all? Do they hurt anyone?

Hop King is 100% lame and sucks. They’re up there with Hobojack/Hoboskate and Route One.


No but we must talk shit and appreciate the good brands.


You’re right I don’t know why I even said that.

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Very well put

I don’t even consider these dudes a part of uk skateboarding. Even if they think they are, they’re not.


Yeah I never think about them but then something will pop up and remind me that they are working away in the background trying to ruin skateboarding.

I have never seen their beer anywhere. Do they even sell any?

I was looking at Scum’s insta page earlier today. Seems really cringeworthy. Is Decunha involved with them? One of their insta posts has a guy who is either him or a spitting image. Depressing considering Remon and Grove are involved too.

Seem to be a lot of these kind of lads mag skate brands. I find the ethos pretty obnoxious. Maybe I’ve only got a surface level understanding of the company but from what they present on insta it looks grim.

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A nice side thread to continue the hate would be ‘legit UK brands we personally think are wack’.

For example, I think Yardsale is shite. Just absolute trendy wank

Regan is a good lad!

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Pleased with everyone saying Regan is sound, my first exposure to him was a few pictures of him skating Hartlepool in an England shirt and DVS shoes in Sidewalk, and I know he does MMA as well, which can go one of either two ways.

I rescind my earlier suggestion of Parallel.

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Regan is mega OG forumite too.
From the earliest N26 days


In that case please don’t hurt me Mr Regan I’ve seen you throwing hands and you look hard as fuck.

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Spent the week with Regan at last summers Story Skate Camp. Haven’t really spent too much proper time with him before. Can confirm after 5 days with him that he is indeed a top bloke.

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I’m a lover, not a fighter :smile: