Whatever happened to...

I just watched a little promo they out out a few years back. A couple of banging switch and nollie tricks in there

Still skating and still unbelievably good

Speaking of brothers that rip, what happened to Div and Colin Adam? Wasn’t Div properly on Anti-Hero at one point? Or Zero?

Zero did a board for John Rattray that was a photo of Div with a bloody nose. Former forum user ‘catalogue’ took the original photo on a trip to Scotland and it managed to get turned into the graphic. Jamie Thomas actually send catalogue a box of the boards when it came out which was really cool.
The best bit about this story is that we all went for a skate just after he set up one of these fresh new boards and slipped out kicking his board straight under a bus.


Div still gets sent stuff direct from Mic-E. No distro deal for him. He had an ad a couple of years ago, but he works building skateparks and skates loads. Colin skates loads and is an engineer.

Man, this geezer ripped.


Dunno if you saw this - it’s 3 years old now but Rye (corpsehands) made this with Div.

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That’s the spot he had a COVER photo on.



Saw him at mile once and he signed my sidewalk with him on the cover . Stoked


Guys stop it you’re embarrassing me

But yeah keep talking


Wrong jeans. I’m out.

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Not enough MK staring

Pfft… Tee shirt isn’t even tucked in.

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What happened to Ryan Sheckler? Has he had any recent footage?

Just realised I haven’t seen anything from him for years, I assume booze or injury troubles? Red Bull overdose? Or did Nyjah assassinate him when he usurped the wonder-kid throne?

Maybe he just retired early with all that sweet TV cash.


This was 2020 too


I back Sheckles.

Oh cool, he’s still going. I was looking for plan B footage and didn’t find any.

I like how he still wears a shoelace for a belt like it’s still the noughties

He didn’t get rich wasting money on belts


Just that horrendous TV show.

Wonder if every found a chill girl?

I feel like anyone who doesn’t back him at this point is just being boneheaded or wilfully ignorant. He absolutely rips, legitimate “if this goes wrong it’s going to be really, really shit” spots, doesn’t do any gash looking tricks, has stuck consistently with the same sponsors for pretty much his whole career and since maturity has just knuckled down and got on with the business in hand.