Any Old Guys

Does Cantelowes park still exist Ron?

park and dude.

Both still exist

There’s a guy called Cantelowes park?


It’s a bit early. I edited my response ha ha

Cantalowes had a facelift a fair few years back.

Lol I was just thinking that it’s too early for my brain to process this information

The park was redone over 10 years ago which I why I just assumed you were talking about Stu Cantellow. Ha ha

Lol no clue mate. I fondly remember taking some horrible slams in the old park

Shame to have missed out on a older dudes’ Dev sesh Ron. Virtually impossible for me to skate during the day though with family to look after.

It’s not the new MAS until someone starts a thread about bearings.

[please God no]

Yes I think this is the new MAS,you can go days on there without anybody posting,somebody recently posted on there that the MAS party’s over,sadly that seems right.

What do you mean? There are loads of people in their 30s.


Nobody’s home on MAS. Takes an age for anything to be posted.

This is way better…there are actually replies!!!

Deffo a few 20 somethings kicking about.

The owner of MAS stopped going on there or promoting the site years ago and its now reduced to nothing,might aswell wind it up…

No offence, but the average age of the users of this forum worries me, there’s no younger blood on here to keep things fresh and perspectives new/current. I’d love it if some younger heads joined.

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TBH I was never into the MAS site, seemed to be a generation older than myself and the site seemed to model itself on the skull and bones skateboards forum (still a forum for deck collectors I think). Way too many categories and completely useless on a mobile (like the old n26/Sidewalk site).

I’m old - as in 57. Started in 1977, never gave up. Mainly I ride vert at the Backwoods ramp (private 12ft ramp by and for old guys in the South East) or else miniramp and bowl at BaySixty6 .
The ramp has been remodelled since this shot was taken - the midi section has gone, but the vert section is twice as wide, and a little higher.


Would it help you feel better if we made some aliases and started threads about revive and ankle swingers?

Hugh’s ramp, yeah? I skated the barn in Ockendon all the time. Not skated this one yet. He showed me plans ages ago, looked just like the old Leigh layout.

It is indeed. A really good scene there. About 80% old guys, but a sprinkling of seriously talented young vert skaters.

Whaaaat thats about a grands worth of Brad Bowman there!! Trash something more sensible lol :+1:.