Any Old Guys

Yep. That’s Jussi Korhonen. He came along one day with two old school boards - that Sims and a 1980s deck - and proceeded to do crazy shit on them.

Is that Jussi? Last time I saw him he was a bit fried. But hadn’t seen him in about 15 years…

He’s a regular at the ramp - but he’s been off for a while with a knee injury

Do people under 25 even know what an internet forum is? It’s all Insta and stuff now innit.

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Speaking of younger blood to keep things ‘fresh and current’… word up children, I’m an almost 45 year old 80s skateboarder that started again in 2015.

Recognise a few of the other faces/user names here who have been bored by my many MAS posts over the past few years (not one on bearings though). It was that site (cheers @doowyrag ) that led me to this one.

Very much like the look of it here and hope to contribute in a way where I’m not only going on about my dodgy knees, bad back, ungrateful kids and hopelessly crippling mortgage.

Off to a good start then. Cheers.


I like that members of N26/Sidewalk and MAS are posting in the same place - it’s always seemed to me that the two were separated by an old / young divide (which seems to have gotten smaller).

Get some younger blood in too and it could be really interesting to see exchanges of ‘historical chat’ and new/current perspectives.


Just signed up, even though forums are a bit dead these days.

Some of you may know me from MAS or BDS forums or Harrow skatepark.

I’m 52(gulp) still skating (just got back from a California holiday) and have a ridiculous amount of skateboards.

Aw I miss Harrow. Grew up in Ealing and used to go there a lot. I feel a trip coming on

I don’t come here for a few days and when I get back here you are discussing what an old fecker I am
I’m 46, for the record
For reference, 46 is the age where you think you can still casually pop up a curb at speed, but actually you can’t and you end up on the floor in agony. This happens every time you skate.


Nice to know I am about 10 years ahead of the curve on that then

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Spanky, Do you think younger skaters even know what a forum is?

And just to join the chain of things, 44 years old. Skate twice a week, normally. Slipped off the forum when I moved to Paris, but trying to get back in the mix now.

Off to Barcelona on Thursday until Monday, to go skate. What am I thinking?!? At my age?!?



I doubt it. But maybe they will discover them once they get a desk job.

Too right. I used to mock my mates who used the old forum back in it’s hay day. But once I started in an office about 7 years ago I started to lurk hard. I’ve been way more vocal on this incarnation as it feels like I’m not trying to catch up with peeps with 8000 posts.

Part timers.


Pretty old over here. 45 in a few months time…fucks sake. learnt front biggies for the first time in my life last night tho so that makes up for it.


It’s kind of the same deal in Teesside. There’s kids running around talking about first to do this and first to that. It’s like they forget the 90s happened and they’re the first skateboarders in the area.

I feel shady telling them to watch some old Joybus, Mischief vids but they’re not interested and of course I’m the asshole for pointing it out.

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I miss the days of hanging around skate shops and skateparks in the hope of learning about a new spot (that I probably wouldn’t be able to skate anyway).

But I like watching videos while I do a poo at work, so que sera sera.