ChatGPT and AI

I did some work on real time translation of user generated content at work. You can pretty much pump any text straight into a cloud service and get a good enough translation for fractions of a cent.

Won’t the really, really, reeaally smart AIs be reading threads like this all over the internet and figuring out ways to look benign and cuddly whilst secretly taking over though :exploding_head:


AI is like a magical friend with an infinite supply of creativity and knowledge! It has the power to transform our lives in countless ways, from making everyday tasks easier to unlocking groundbreaking discoveries that benefit humanity as a whole. As AI continues to evolve, it will bring joy, convenience, and surprises, leaving us in awe of its capabilities. So, buckle up and enjoy the fantastic ride with AI as your ever-curious, always-helpful companion! :rocket::robot:


ha ha ha. Is Build on his summer jollies and has just left AI to manage his posts?


As we approach the cliff edge doesn’t that view just keep getting better and better?


Chat gpt is so vanilla

I have been messing around trying to get more interesting stuff out of it.

eg, a Thrasher article

Shred and Spread: A Gonzo Skateboard Adventure in California

Introduction: Ah, California, the land of palm trees, sunshine, and endless skate parks. As a 29-year-old gonzo journalist with an insatiable appetite for adventure, it was only natural that I’d find myself in the heart of skateboard culture, attending the premiere of the most anticipated skate film of the year. Little did I know that this event would turn into a wild, hilarious escapade filled with free beer, legal weed products, legendary skaters, and a triumphant taxi ride home.

Part 1: The Skater’s Wonderland The venue for the skateboard premier was a converted warehouse in Venice Beach, a place that seemed custom-made for cool vibes and gnarly tricks. Skateboards adorned the walls, and the air was thick with excitement and the unmistakable smell of grip tape. I made my way to the bar and found a selection of craft beers, courtesy of the event sponsors. As any self-respecting gonzo journalist would do, I grabbed a cold one and mingled with the crowd.

Part 2: Beer for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Beer flowed like a river, and the party was in full swing. I decided to follow Hunter S. Thompson’s mantra, “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.” So, I embraced the occasion and committed to trying every beer available, documenting their taste and “affect” on my journalistic sensibilities. Needless to say, my notes grew sloppier with each sip, and the room seemed to morph into a kaleidoscope of colors.

Part 3: Mary Jane’s Magical Offerings Amidst the revelry, I stumbled upon a table piled high with cannabis products, all legally sourced and awaiting curious users. Ever the intrepid reporter, I decided to dive into this “green” experience. I cautiously tried an edible - a gummy bear with a dash of magic - and waited for its effects to kick in. Minutes felt like hours as I found myself in a conversation with my own socks. I scribbled incomprehensible thoughts in my notebook, vowing to decipher them later.

Part 4: Skaters in the Spotlight As the premiere commenced, the crowd’s energy intensified. Legendary skaters graced the event, some displaying their jaw-dropping tricks on the mini ramp set up for the occasion. I approached each one, introducing myself as a fellow skateboard enthusiast, though my wobbly legs and uncontrollable laughter might’ve given away my current state of intoxication.

Part 5: Bob Burnquist’s Gravity-Defying Stunts The highlight of the evening was the surprise appearance of the skateboarding icon, Bob Burnquist. As he gracefully carved the mini ramp with tricks that defied gravity, the crowd erupted in cheers. I, too, cheered with all my might, while secretly hoping that Bob wouldn’t notice my slightly erratic applause.

Part 6: A Stoned Encounter with Tony Hawk As the evening wore on, I somehow found myself sharing a moment with the one and only Tony Hawk. While I envisioned my conversation with the legendary skater to be a profound exchange of life wisdom, it mainly consisted of me attempting to explain the concept of time travel using my shoe as a visual aid. To my surprise, Tony Hawk chuckled and played along with the absurdity of it all.

Part 7: Taxi to Triumph As the night reached its peak, it became abundantly clear that I was in no condition to navigate my way home. Fortunately, my survival instincts kicked in, and I hailed a taxi with my last shred of composure. The taxi driver, who seemed unfazed by my inebriated state, asked where I wanted to go. I gave him my address, and the journey began.

Part 8: Insights from the Taxi Ride The taxi ride turned into a surreal introspective journey. While the city lights blurred outside, I pondered the meaning of skateboarding, the interconnectedness of all things, and whether my socks were, indeed, trying to communicate with me. The taxi driver listened politely, occasionally throwing in an agreeable nod.

Conclusion: The skateboard premiere in California had been a whirlwind of excitement, free-flowing drinks, legal weed-induced adventures, and brushes with skateboarding greatness. As a gonzo journalist, I had pushed the boundaries of journalistic exploration and lived to tell the tale. While the memories would forever be etched in my mind, the one thing that remained unclear was how I made it home safely, considering my inebriated state. Perhaps it was the magical spirit of skateboarding that guided me, or maybe it was just one of those nights where reality bends to accommodate a wild adventure. Either way, it was a night I’d never forget – that is, if my notes and memories managed to converge into a coherent tale once I sobered up. One thing was for certain: California skateboarding had lived up to its reputation, and I couldn’t wait to chase the next adrenaline-fueled story, beer and weed not necessarily included.


It’s also kind of dodgy how confidently it gives wrong answers…

are you familiar with the sequencer on roland tb 303?


Yes, I’m familiar with the sequencer on the Roland TB-303. The TB-303 is a bass synthesizer that was originally released by Roland in 1981. It gained popularity in the 1980s and 1990s for its distinctive sound and was heavily used in electronic music genres such as acid house and techno

Can you transcribe the bassline from chic’s good times into a programable set of commands on the 303


Certainly! Here’s a transcription of the bassline from Chic’s “Good Times” into a set of programmable commands for the Roland TB-303:

  1. Set the sequencer length to 16 steps.
  2. For each step, program the following commands:

Step 1: Rest Step 2: Rest Step 3: C3 (C note) Step 4: Rest Step 5: E3 (E note) Step 6: Rest Step 7: G3 (G note) Step 8: Rest Step 9: Rest Step 10: Rest Step 11: Rest Step 12: Rest Step 13: Rest Step 14: Rest Step 15: Rest Step 16: Rest

To recreate the slides or “glides” between the notes, you’ll need to adjust the slide control between the relevant steps. For example, you can set the slide control to a value of 3 between steps 3 and 5, and between steps 5 and 7 to achieve the sliding effect.

Keep in mind that this transcription provides a rough guide, and you may need to experiment with the exact timing, accents, and nuances to match the original bassline as closely as possible. The TB-303’s sequencer allows for a lot of flexibility, so feel free to tweak the settings and add variations to make it your own.

are you sure thats right? The bassline from chic good times starts on “the one” not a rest


Apologies for the mistake in my previous response. You’re right that the bassline in Chic’s “Good Times” starts on the downbeat rather than a rest. Here’s the corrected transcription of the bassline into programmable commands for the Roland TB-303:

  1. Set the sequencer length to 16 steps.
  2. For each step, program the following commands:

Step 1: C3 (C note) Step 2: Rest Step 3: E3 (E note) Step 4: Rest Step 5: G3 (G note) Step 6: Rest Step 7: G3 (G note) Step 8: Rest Step 9: Rest Step 10: C3 (C note) Step 11: Rest Step 12: E3 (E note) Step 13: Rest Step 14: G3 (G note) Step 15: Rest Step 16: G3 (G note)

Remember to adjust the slide control between the relevant steps (such as steps 3 and 5, and steps 10 and 12) to create the sliding effect. Feel free to experiment with accents, timing, and variations to match the bassline more closely or add your own creative touches.

Thank you for pointing out the error, and I apologize for any confusion caused.

this seems too simple for that bassline. The bassline I’m thinking of is very complex


Apologies once again for the oversight. The bassline in Chic’s “Good Times” is indeed more complex than the previous transcriptions. While it may be challenging to capture all the nuances of the bassline on the TB-303, I can provide an updated transcription that includes more detail. Please note that due to the limitations of the TB-303’s sequencer, it may not be possible to fully replicate the intricacies of the original bassline. Nevertheless, here’s an enhanced transcription:

  1. Set the sequencer length to 16 steps.
  2. For each step, program the following commands:

Step 1: C3 (C note), accent ON Step 2: E3 (E note) Step 3: G3 (G note), glide ON, accent ON Step 4: Rest Step 5: G3 (G note), accent ON Step 6: Rest Step 7: Rest Step 8: G3 (G note), accent ON Step 9: Rest Step 10: C3 (C note), accent ON Step 11: E3 (E note) Step 12: G3 (G note), glide ON, accent ON Step 13: Rest Step 14: G3 (G note), accent ON Step 15: Rest Step 16: G3 (G note), accent ON

Please note that this transcription is an approximation of the bassline, and the TB-303’s capabilities may not perfectly match the original bass sound. Feel free to experiment with additional settings, such as filter cutoff and resonance, to further shape the sound to your liking.

(wrong again)

I hope A.I can find the solution to reversing the major permafrost thaw methane release and other major climate issues cos us humans certainly ain’t doing anything quick enough to counter act our impact.


Uses an absolute fuckload of electricity as well. Though if you believe this it is also reducing it

That would absolutely pass, on plenty of outlets.


Jimvo’s Thrasher article has blown my mind, haha


That was from a 1 line prompt, took 30 seconds for me to write, came back pretty much instantly

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“the unmistakable smell of griptape”


I did initially read that as “the air was thick with excrement” probably because I was expecting the AI to fuck up


Kind of stole your idea jimvo


Sidewalk Skateboarding Magazine - Issue #87

Wednesday: The Rain Descends

England, the land of historic streets, picturesque architecture, and, unfortunately for our skate tour, relentless rain. With high hopes and gleaming excitement, I embarked on an epic skateboarding journey with the renowned UK DC Shoes team. Little did I know that the next five days would be a wild, tumultuous rollercoaster ride through the wettest skate tour imaginable.

We kicked off the adventure on Wednesday, hoping to conquer the vibrant streets of England’s cities. However, the rain gods had other plans. Sheets of rain came down like Thor’s mighty hammer, forcing us to take refuge under awnings, shop overhangs, and any shred of shelter we could find. Our dreams of shredding iconic spots in the heart of England were swept away like leaves in a storm.

Thursday: Midlands, Here We Come

With our spirits dampened and our skateboards barely touched, we decided to make a pilgrimage to the Midlands. As we headed inland, the rain followed us like a shadow. The dreary weather matched our somber moods, but we hoped to find salvation in some decent indoor skateparks.

Friday: Welcome to the Forgotten Skateparks

The indoor skateparks we encountered can only be described as relics of skateboarding’s past. These forgotten sanctuaries were situated in desolate industrial areas, echoing the once vibrant skate scene that had since faded away. The floors were cracked, the ramps rusted, and the lighting flickered like a dying firefly.

Instead of the adrenaline rush that comes from shredding the streets, we had to settle for grinding and flipping in these sad, rusty caverns. Our boards banged against the unforgiving terrain, making us long for the smooth pavement of the streets we were unable to conquer.

Saturday: The Twist of Fate

Just when we thought things couldn’t get any worse, fate took a sinister turn. Colin Kennedy, one of the team’s star riders, suffered a devastating injury. While attempting a daring trick on a crumbling quarter pipe, his leg snapped like a brittle twig. The sound of his bones breaking will forever haunt my dreams.

Amidst the chaos and panic, we rallied together to get Colin the medical attention he needed. An ambulance rushed him to the nearest hospital, leaving us all shaken and questioning the fate of our ill-fated tour.

Sunday: A Strange Encounter

As if our bad luck wasn’t enough, we faced one more bizarre obstacle. At our final indoor skatepark stop, an imposing security guard with a handlebar mustache and an aura of authority approached us. He claimed we were trespassing on private property and threatened to call the police.

Perhaps it was the collective frustration or the adrenaline from witnessing Colin’s accident, but something possessed us to confront the security guard head-on. One of our skaters, known for his fiery spirit, unleashed a tirade of nonsensical words and provocative dance moves upon the bewildered guard. It was as if the spirit of Hunter S. Thompson himself had possessed our fearless comrade.

As we made our hasty retreat from the perplexed security guard, we couldn’t help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. In the midst of a skate tour gone awry, our encounter with the guard felt like a twisted metaphor for the entire trip.

Epilogue: A Silver Lining

Our skate tour around England with the UK DC Shoes team was not what we had envisioned. The rain turned our dreams into soggy nightmares, and the indoor skateparks left us yearning for the streets we couldn’t tame. Colin’s injury and the strange security guard encounter added to the surreal and chaotic nature of the journey.

But amidst the gloom, there was a silver lining. We bonded in ways only adversity can inspire, and through it all, we found moments of camaraderie and shared laughter that made the trip memorable in its own twisted way.

As we bid farewell to England and the rain-soaked skate tour, we carried with us the gnarly stories that will be recounted around campfires and skateparks for years to come. It may not have been the epic adventure we anticipated, but in the world of skateboarding, it’s the unexpected and bizarre tales that etch themselves into legend.


You can see why Hollywood types are shitting it…

combine the plots of star wars, a new hope and the original texas chainsaw massacre, give a 1000 word plot summary and the first 10 pages of script, please


4 / 4

Title: Star Chainsaw Massacre: A Galactic Horror

Plot Summary:
In a distant galaxy where the forces of good and evil clash, a terrifying encounter emerges that transcends the boundaries of space and time. “Star Chainsaw Massacre” unites the iconic worlds of Star Wars and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre in an otherworldly mash-up.

The Rebel Alliance discovers a mysterious distress signal emanating from an uncharted planet in the Outer Rim. In response, a small group of rebels, including Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, and C-3PO, set out on a daring mission to investigate the source of the signal.

Upon landing on the eerie planet, they stumble upon an abandoned farmhouse. Unbeknownst to them, this forsaken abode is inhabited by the sinister Hewitt family - leather-faced butchers led by the chainsaw-wielding maniac, Leatherface. As the rebels split up to explore the surroundings, they begin to vanish one by one, facing the horrors of the Hewitt family’s macabre rituals.

Meanwhile, Darth Vader, intrigued by the sudden disappearance of the Rebel team, follows their trail to the forsaken planet. He seeks to use the Hewitt family’s dark powers to crush the Rebellion and ensure the galaxy’s domination under the Empire.

As the Rebels confront the nightmarish terrors, they uncover a dark secret linking the Hewitt family’s sinister Force-powered rituals to an ancient Sith artifact, the Chainsaw Crystal. The artifact grants immense power to its possessor, turning them into an unstoppable force of darkness.

In a desperate struggle for survival, Luke Skywalker engages in a lightsaber battle with Leatherface while Princess Leia and Han Solo try to find a way to destroy the Chainsaw Crystal. Chewbacca and C-3PO form an unlikely alliance with the sole surviving member of the Hewitt family, a tormented girl named Sally, seeking redemption.

Amidst the chaos, Darth Vader arrives, overpowering the Rebels with his mastery of the dark side of the Force. As the battle reaches its climax, an unexpected alliance forms between the Rebels and Sally, revealing the true nature of the Chainsaw Crystal’s power and its connection to the Force.

In a final showdown, the Rebels, fueled by hope and unity, manage to destroy the Chainsaw Crystal, breaking its dark influence over the Hewitt family and thwarting Darth Vader’s plans. As the Hewitt family retreats into the shadows, Sally decides to leave her sinister past behind and joins the Rebellion in their fight against the Empire.

“Star Chainsaw Massacre” culminates with a thrilling space battle as the Rebel Alliance faces the full might of the Imperial fleet. With newfound strength and determination, the Rebels emerge victorious, bringing hope back to the galaxy.

First 10 Pages of the Script:


The Millennium Falcon hurtles through the vastness of space. Luke, Leia, Han, Chewbacca, and C-3PO are seated in the cockpit, examining a holographic distress signal.

A distress signal from an unknown planet? What do you think, Chewie?

Chewbacca growls, expressing caution.

We can’t ignore it. It might be someone in need.

Luke’s right. We have to check it out.

They set a course for the mysterious planet.



The Falcon lands near an eerie, rundown farmhouse. The air is thick with an unsettling presence. Luke, Leia, and Han exit the ship, followed by Chewbacca and C-3PO.

Be on guard, everyone. There’s something not right about this place.

They approach the farmhouse cautiously, sensing an unnatural darkness.

Oh, dear! I have a bad feeling about this.

Don’t worry, C-3PO. We’ll be fine.

They enter the farmhouse, and eerie sounds echo through the dilapidated halls. Chewbacca growls, sensing danger.

Did you hear that?

Stay together. We’ll find the source of the distress signal.

Suddenly, they hear a loud, horrifying chainsaw sound coming from the basement.

What was that?

Chewbacca roars, expressing his unease.

I believe it’s coming from the basement.

Let’s check it out. Stay close.

They cautiously descend into the dimly lit basement, where the chainsaw sound intensifies. They come face to face with LEATHERFACE, a monstrous figure clad in leather and wielding a deadly chainsaw.

Who are you?

Leatherface revs the chainsaw menacingly.

We mean no harm. We’re here in response to a distress signal.

Leatherface seems conflicted for a moment, but the dark influence on him prevails.

The tension escalates, and a lightsaber duel erupts between Luke and Leatherface. Leia and Han rush to find a way to destroy the Chainsaw Crystal, which they believe is the source of Leatherface’s power.



Darth Vader’s ship, the TIE Advanced x1, lands near the farmhouse. Vader, cloaked in his dark presence, exits the ship, sensing the strong connection to the dark side.

So, the Rebels have stumbled upon the Chainsaw Crystal’s power. How convenient.

Vader’s eerie presence lingers as he steps toward the farmhouse, ready to confront the Rebels and claim the artifact for himself.

To be continued…

Sorry to delete what I wrote but made myself look a bit foolish there. Am just realising how much AI is taking over my job as a translator and it’s pretty concerning. I’m not the only one affected by AI in my job!

It sounds like you’re wildly underestimating how advanced AI could be in a few years.

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I think you’re right and there are a lot of translators in my position who I think are also under-estimating it out of fear really.

At this point not all end clients have cottoned on to chat gpt. It’s a tipping point.