Made a bomb-ass saag aloo.
You sometimes have to read things several times just to check you didn’t make a mistake.
All that perfect Swiss air and scenery makes you guys do some crazy things eh.
It’s just a regular rice risotto with red cabbage in it. It’s a pretty popular dish in Italy, a country known for its good cuisine worldwide.
Doesn’t sound like a right funky pairing to me. Sorry Italians.
Sweet potato and spicy chorizo risotto. Never tried that before but had those ingredients and thought it’d work. Would make again.
Roasted butternut squash and chorizo is such a winner.
I have like 2% of my taste back. Might celebrate with some chorizo.
Sounds good, I’ll give that a go!
Is the cat having a bath?
More like licking the ladle!
Ice and lemon
Spiced rum?
I love cooking shit in coke!
How was it @Les_Zeppelin?
Didn’t have much fat on it but I glazed what I can. In the oven now while I have a beer.
Having it with braised Red cabbage, baby baked spuds and cauliflower cheese. Should be banging.
The coke added nothing. It’s all in the glaze.
someone gave us a really similar cutting board as a wedding present and our dog knocked it off the table within 10 minutes and smased it. fun fact eh?
Worst design ever, ours broke in the post so they sent another one.
I got a really nice cutting board for my birthday, I’ll post a pic later if I think about it.