Continually Updated Personal Footage and Photos

A Bern U-turn? :fire::fire::fire:

The Fondue Twister.

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Fuck now I want fondue

Learnt another new one this morning, felt good.


Combo crazy.

I find most grind/slides to wheelies tasteless or even silly but ollieing onto the platform, from the tailslide, into a nosewheelie was a satisfying challenge! I love keeping on learning new shit all the time, even if it’s moves I’ll never try again.

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A little of my after work DIY set up in Newport. Would be great to have this on a normal day and session it but glad to Even have this in these mad times.


This place looks great, very dystopian but this is what we’re going through.

The weather has been crazy here lately, it’s been snowing and raining non-stop for weeks I think. I’m lucky enough to have keys of the local indoor park and can skate there on my own when it’s closed (it’s only open for kids at the moment). I love doing that but there’s something weird about being in this big, cold, dusty, silent space on my own. I go there and try hard to not think about falling and hitting my head and just drink Earl Grey and do mellow shit. Can’t complain, even if I’m really looking forward to being able to skate outdoors, no matter how cold it is.
Learnt a new manual yesterday. Stoked.


That’s sick. Time , space , your own thoughts and your music as loud as you like .

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Had the same during first lockdown, but you can’t play music loud because you’re not supposed to be there.

I never put on music when I’m there for some reason.

I don’t want those sessions to be too Groundhog Dayesque so I usually warm up in 5 or 10 minutes then work on a new trick, film it, watch my footage smoking a cig drinking Earl Grey then go back home, which is very Groundhog Dayesque now that I think about it.


Sat isolating, just had a test and waiting to see if I’ve been idiotic enough to some how catch Covid for a second time. Got nothing else to do so edited together some recent clips to make a “part.” I’m well aware of how much of a wanker the seriousness of the song makes me look. Fuck it.

No lines coz it’s not fair to put my friends through that misery (and my push is stinking).


been meaning to skate this for years so clearly today was the day to get it swept up whilst wearing 3 layers on top and gloves


Another Covid-friendly wheelie. I love wheelies so much.

Got a like and a comment from Brian Lotti! Feeling ridiculous for being stoked on that but hey… Whatever. Haha.


I just spotted that and almost sent a congrats message - then overthought it and backed out in case you were BFFs or something.

managed to pull some footage from 2 years back off a fucked minidv tape, im sure nollie back lip falls into illegal trick territory but im not arsed theyre super fun


I think the nollie backlip was dope! I rate them, especially with a shuv it out!


Another other new wheelie. Tell me if that’s too much.


wicked man! not too much, just right.

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Clear blue sky and beautiful mountains are way too much.

The mannie is sick.