Continually Updated YouTube Thread

That looks fun as hell, I’d be content with just riding about on the marble. The moving rails look fun too

If ever you needed proof of how insufferable Nyjah is:


I will take the plunge and watch this on behalf of everyone


That’s your YouTube recommendations fucked now.

Yeah that was pretty boring. Just Nyjah and his army of kook manchildren hitting a few spots and getting throwaway clips in the middle of seemingly filming for something with Ty Evans. Nyjah really seems to be completely unaware of absolutely anything going on in the world other than the skate spot in front of him at the time. Must be class being that thick and that talented


Scrubbed through that clip in about 5 mins. Seemed to me he has an odd walk toward the end of it, like he has long term damage to his lower back. Worst part for that is imagine having to film literally everything, then go through the immense hassle of logging, capturing, editing and uploading all that nonsense.


I usually end up watching those send Saturday clips he does and more than anything he talks about how sore he is all the time, he was going on about it loads in that too. I know he looks after himself but skating so much big stuff every day for so long is really going to catch up with him

Well he’s fucked once he literally has to tone it down from massive everything to “steez” as he has none.

Numerology Puleo is wacko af, but skate nerd Puleo is a treasure. Same Old mag is rad. Everyone who’s been around skateboarding for more than a bit should try and collect ‘em all.


Ahhh, that was so good.
Those people were super nice but yeah, held down the politeness whilst definitely switching between struggling to keep up with him and not really caring.

Same0ld Gold.


This is class.

It’s the middle of the pandemic, you’ve had a tough year, you’re settling down for Christmas and there’s a knock at the door. It is Bobby Puleo come to tell you about how there used to be a half pipe in your back garden.


Yeah, I can’t imagine a guy like Puleo would be able to keep it short and snappy.

It’s kind of hilarious in some ways, but the utter skate nerd in me loves this. Would watch more, for sure.

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Top marks to Scott & Jamie. :smiley:

That was more interesting than I was expecting.

He mentioned a Lance one - are there more?

There are a few Puleo bits, (and some other stuff), to be found here:

the only covid truthers i know are graffiti lads as well

must be something in the paint…


District Dub Stars?

God his ankles must get so cold. And how do they lock into rails? Are there ridges cut into the board or something?

That was very hard to watch! Who are all his “friends”? One thing that I found really awful was how his short shorts made it seem as if he was just skating in his boxers for the second half! No way you could get away with that over here! HIs mates obviously daren’t rip him on his awful outfits!

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