Continually Updated YouTube Thread

“Watch this!”

Getting a bit obsessed by this guys videos.


He’s good.

He would have made a good Blue Peter presenter if he was 20 years older.


Been going down the Oblivion NPC rabbit hole.

For anyone unfamiliar with the game Oblivion (like me) it’s some sort of console RPG with AI non-player characters (NPCs) which steal and act strangely. It seems you can find them in real life too.

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This won’t surprise any of you but the more views the better I suppose, give it a like


Good, that. thank you!

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Interesting / creepy af

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Christ. Thats mad

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Absolutely wallowing up to their necks in Russian feces , but no surprise when billions are wafted in the faces of old Etonian Brian cants. They simply can’t help their selves
And up until the next elections they’ll simply get away with it all and rub our noses in it .
Of all times to have utterly shite opposition parties . We need a fucking miracle by the next election .


Feels like the OG Xbox start up, but on a bigger and obviously better scale.

The blue haze is radiation caused by stuff moving faster than light in water.

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My Nan had a gas fire in her living room that had exactly the same ignition process.


Maybe the scientists all watched sci fi and said ‘fuck man we got to make real startup look as cool as that’


They are working on “Softer wheels that will slide like an STF so you don’t have to ride such a hard wheel that’s so slow on rough ground”

Sounds interesting (link to correct time)

Aka Spitfire 97Ds.

Really?!? They any good?

I guess it depends what level of expectation you have. For me, mainly indoor wooden parks, street, curbs and waxed ledges, they’re great. They do slide, but they don’t slide like a Bones 101.

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