Don’t lock the Footage thread

Hahaha yeah I was Mofugga and Winstanley and IPOI. Think I achieved Ultra King status with each name so made a new one each time.

I didn’t know there was anyone called Alex Winstanley when I made that username, can’t remember where it came from, probably something I was reading. Didn’t mean to comp his own name.

Haven’t seen BDF for a while but we speak every now and then. Last time we tried to go skating, I drove across the country to meet him at St Neots and within a few mins he bailed on the miniramp and his board shot out and hit some kid in the mouth and knocked all his baby teeth out. Fucking savage. Don’t think he’s skated since haha. Still makes guitars, they’re really good.


Oh man, so confusing… I always see your username and read it as Smurph. And the Winstanley thing confused me so much too.

Actually, anyone in touch with that British dude who lived in northern California studying nuclear geophysics or whatever? Iirc he was really into cycling so that might spur the memory of a few on here? He was so rad. Can’t remember his username unfortunately.

Also, what about that Brighton freestyle guy with the mad hair? Always loved his posts. Sorry I can’t remember his username either.

So many great users through the years.

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fixationsonplastics was mentioned not long ago, maybe still up in Glasgow?


I did the same, got to a certain number of posts then changed name. See how long it takes for people to notice the newest dickhead was me.

I wish. Can’t remember his username either but I do remember him slagging off some academic economist who then googled his name and the first return was the guy you’re talking about calling him a Michael Fabricant on the old forum. The academic emailed me demanding (quite nicely) that I delete it.
Wish I still had the email chain.


He was Volst’s mate.

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Is on Instagram and seems to be doing great.

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Grinners Sausages.

Moved to Spain and I talk to him from time to time.

Lovely guy.


Yeah he’s really good. Busy.

Likewise Rimbaud.


That’s it!
The story I posted above is true.
One of the more bizarre interactions created by the old forum

I pretty much deleted any post with my last name in after university because i was worried about people searching my name when I applied for jobs.

First person who gave me a job read an interview on crossfire website where I talked about ping pong shows in Thailand.

Was lucky.


I miss floorodoriser although I’m still in contact with him.

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I still talk to most of the OG female posters every so often. Spoke to Poola recently and she’d just started skating again.


yeah, nice dude, and cryptically funny. There are so many that gave years to this place and never to return.

I saw someone who looked identical to billy dick fingers across the room at a forestry event. I kept trying to catch his eye during this presentation. Turns out he has a twin brother and I kept raising my eyebrows and winking at him from across a busy lecture room.


I always felt bad because I had him in a mixtape swap and he sent me a wicked one but I never got round to it. Still feel guilty about that. Also when I first joined the old forum he told me off for posting too much. He was right.

Poola. Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time. A long time.

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Flyingfluffmonkeyman was my mixtape match. He sent me a really wicked, eclectic mix that I was probably a bit too stupid to understand and I sent him some of my choicest cuts of ska punk. He must’ve thought I was 14.

No, my taste still hasn’t evolved.

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There’s some random ones I remember from ages ago, ginonix and rogie, bring them all back I say!

Ginonix who went on to play bass (I believe) in WU LYF.