Equipment/reviews category

I understand. How long in freezer.

Six months.


Iā€™m sure you lot are blagging it

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Overnight was too longā€¦


Advice wanted.

I have real trouble with trucks. I always end up eroding/warping the bolt holes on the baseplate through skating (too many crookeds). The trucks then start to slightly shift and become unaligned as I skate.

Can I stop this happening without changing the way I skate? Would something like riser pads help?

Sounds like they arenā€™t done up tight enough, Iā€™ve never managed to do this and I do loads of crooks. Do your truck bolts sit flush with board? Or above grip/level with grip? Or just below grip? Also are your bolts loose in the holes when you get a new setup? Maybe they are slightly smaller diameter than holes hence rattle around

When I get a new deck, I tend to have the bolts sitting above the grip and then screw them down a bit once the new boardā€™s broken in a bit after skating. I try and keep the bolts tight but I am not one to be tightening them before every session.

I think that might be when they are working themselves around a bit and be causing holes to widen. The last couple mm when I tighten bolts I use a spanner to pull the bolt down rather than an allen key or whatever to spin the bolt which can ruin your grip. Maybe try that?

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Do you use the small head bolts like the shorties ones. The only time that has happened to me is when i had some of these.

No, regular bolts.

Thanks @Mark, will try your suggestion whenever I get new trucks.

So my new setup story continues. Acquired some grip so will take it for a shred tomorrow.

Really digging the Sci Fi shape, 8.25 x 14.5ā€ Lurpvis look really dope set up. I really hope they donā€™t just fall apart.


Will those bushngs survive with no washers?

Trucks and wheels look well tech deck, I like it!


They are supposed to, but never have for me!

I havenā€™t run washers in trucks for the last 10 years.

But I weigh a bit shy of 11 stone. Always 6 bolts, shields off bearings, no washers in trucks.

Are you actively weight saving or is this just setup ritual stuff?

Set up ritual.

These Lurpivs seem heavy. I just have to have my board like that otherwise brain wonā€™t engage.

Too much time pissing around at work in the past.

Anyone else do anything weird?

Borderline too pretty for use. I need grip and bearings so Iā€™ll take all the bits to Projekts tomorrow when my daughter has her lesson and set up a freshie. First one in forever.

Setup wise I donā€™t have any real weirdnesses. I have a hard time not running risers, even if itā€™s just those thin phantom ones.


Ewwww risers.

Yeah god knows. The ones I use are literally 1mm thick but it makes feel better.

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