Equipment Thread

Ah fair enough, my Poirot skills aren’t all that at 6am. Thanks

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Don’t be so hard on yourself, it was pre 6am :wink:

So I’m feeling the idea of softer wheels for any more A to B runs, looking at:
Ricta Clouds (but stories of the core disintegrating on here putting me off a bit)
Some Enjoi wheels which look pretty sick

Any other contenders?

My kid has some Spitfire Chargers, 80D I think. They’re lovely for cruising but they won’t slide at all even if you wax the shit out of the ledge

Yeah I accidentally bought some 97a bones, had to give them away after 1 session, didn’t work for me at all

the lack of sliding in grinds is bad enough but not even being able to revert on flatground? fuck no. that’s like one of my favourite parts of skateboarding. 101D all day every day. rough ground is a part of UK life

Current setup from slam city. Worrest twin tail, slick deck, 8.38, Ishod thunder 148s. Getting on fine with the twin tail, cool just chucking it down not worrying which is the nose and tail. Imagine it might be tricky for those who do more fakie/nollie tricks than me though to get used to it. Thunder trucks turn and grind great, look cool too.


Oooh I like that setup. What height are those thunders?

They’re 52mm high according to Deluxe. I don’t think you can get Thunder trucks as high as indies but not sure. Could put a 1/4 riser on to take it to Indy height.

Both sets of thunders I have had have been low or lower than inde so I use risers. Absolutely love the thunder grind and turn though


Cool, I think I’ll try them with 1/8 inch risers.

My man, I’m still on 7.75 despite what literally every skater tells me

Twin tail? Really? Been riding a couple of Real Ishod twin tails since August, really liking the change - saves me literally seconds each day not having to work out what end is what.


Yh it’s the same shape I think as the Ishod twin tail, made by the same wood shop. I think Bobby Worrest had a go on Ishod’s board and liked it. The Ishod equivalent is 8.3 whereas the Worrest is listed as 8.38, may in fact be the same as the wheelbase and length are the same. Yh, I really like it, probably stick with twin tails from now on.

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i get the concept of a twin tail but i’ve never understood how it works, i’ve always thought the front and back truck wear in differently, hence why it would feel different if you threw your board down backwards - does the twin tail help alleviate this or something?

You get more even wear of the trucks and also the deck so in theory it should last longer. I guess with the more even wear of the trucks then it wouldn’t feel as much different for grinds than if you were to throw a standard deck down backwards. I have both trucks pretty loose so it doesn’t really feel any different either way. This nine club stop and chat which goes into Ishod’s setup is interesting.

Front and back trucks wear differently if you only skate the board in one direction. It doesn’t really happen on a symmetrical board.

Didn’t realise that the Worrest was a twin tail. Hoping the local SOS will get some/either in over the next month or so.

I wouldn’t mind giving one a go but I’d have to put some new bushings in too.

anyone have even the slightest inclination as to who might be pressing these? pretty sure it’s Slugger selling em, not really much to go off other than “7 ply canadian maple” and a list of dimensions. no sticker on top ply, small indent on the bottom between the front truck holes.