Gone Skateboarding?

Damn I thought they’d sorted it all out not long ago. It looked like it had had a complete rehaul

Was it that bad? Was there before Xmas and seemed ok. Defo not a crisp concrete park finish if that’s what you were keen for.

How was Royal Oak ?

Well that was well good! Not too busy, and even managed to land a couple of stunts.
42 years old and hope i can still roll for another 10 years :slightly_smiling_face:


You’ll do more than that, I’m 46 and hoping for another 20 years at least :sweat_smile:

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Of course you can, just adapt your skating to your aging body and take care.
I’m 40 and don’t see why I couldn’t skate in 10 years, unless something serious happens.
Have fun.


I’m 60 and still skating 3-4 times a week. No drop-off in fitness that I’ve noticed. Just takes me longer to psych myself up for stuff I might get hurt on. Half an hour now before I try tricks that scare me, where before it would be 10-15 mins.


Fair play Gaunty! :+1:t2: Hope you stay injury free!


Well you lot are fucking rad. Keep Rolling🙂

Fucking represent.

I think it was Ciaran who mentioned it’s almost more important to stretch after skating than doing it before, and it’s completely stopped my body seizing up. Well, that and actually skating more.

I’ve lost a bit of flexibility in my ankles but I can still nollie flip, as long as I can do that, I’ll carry on.

Also have noticed that the times I go to the park there’s always at least 1 or 2 guys my age with their young kids learning to skate. So stoked that I have that coming in a year or two as it’s such a good incentive and motivator to keep going.


Also just discovered that the new deck I ordered this week is made by a company set up by another old skater I used to skate with 35 years ago. I ordered the Madness Sam Beckett, and unless I’m wrong Madness was co-founded by Bod Boyle, who used to be a local at Crystal Palace vert ramp when I skated there in the 80s


Was talking to someone the other day (Jim Silver, Huf UK if anyone knows him?) and as I remember it he said his brother is a pro athlete and trains hard. His advice was not to stretch too much and not to do yoga for skating…better to retain a bit of resistance in your joints to prevent over extension! Might have that slightly wrong, I’m shit at listening. It was something like that. Interesting perspective I thought.

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Yeah I think warming down is probably more important than stretching on the warm up. I dunno though would be good to hear from some older/gnarlier guys. I take it really easy and am still very young :grin:

I believe @ciaran has said similar on here in the past.

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Yeah felt so slow, actually a struggle to get any pop off as well

Royal Oak is great, hadn’t been since 2010


Bod runs Dwindle - also does Enjoi and Almost as well as Madness.

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Surprisingly still smooth at Royal Oak , which is great .


Surface is absolutely perfect

The big bank there was quite good, as was the hip of course.

Remember when Meanwhile was just a TF? I had fun skates with Chas there, loved that place.


What does TF mean?