If you had a private park...

Dart board and a slightly higher than kerb height manny pad.

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A ‘Z’ shaped snake run, and instead of transition it has big hips like the old Radlands hip. 6 or 7 hips in a row would be brilliant.
Crawley Spine Ramp needs to be in there.
The old southbank mellow bank gap (but a bit shorter so I might actually clear it).
An amazing scooter park next door so they stay away from the skatepark.
A massive sign that says ‘SITTING ON LEDGES IS FOR CUNTS!’.

A cafe selling Arancini and playing a Da Deal Is Dead VHS on loop.


i’d kill for some arancini right now


arancini yes please :slightly_smiling_face:
loads of these parks sound great

  • a part-time security guard to occasionally chase after people. keep it spicy.
  • a projector and roll-down cinema screen for premieres + pre-session video stoke
  • a couple of “impossible” obstacles (slightly too high ledge, dead whippy quarter, weird angles, EMB-style trapdoors etc) where you’d really have to take time and get to know the park and be creative to do anything on them + if you manage a trick it’s actually an event and you’re a legend.
  • a nearby field with magic mushrooms and a lake

when did radlands finally close? was there a leaving jam? memories getting foggy

october 2004 - yeah there was a jam on the last day but it wasn’t as busy as i thought it should have been


It was a while ago because I wasn’t bald then and I could still do tricks. Was a rad jam, sad though.

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It’s the snip I tell you!!!

haha, nah, I lost hair and tricks many years before the snip.


An over-40’s only night obviously


A big warehouse with polished Asda floortiles.

And a big stack of plywood and assorted skate able junk.

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Situated next to a beach for a start.
Smooth tarmac flatground area.
OG Slades Farm/Derby Park snake run.
PlayStation small mini ramp.
Lumpy, mogul, bank section a bit like Santa Rosa skatepark.
Southbank bank to wall.
Venice Beach and SF DMV curbs.
Pier 7 ledges.
A slightly off-vert freestanding wall.

That would do it for me.

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Santa Barbara skatepark in California. It’s just heaven - situated right at the beach in a beautiful town. That’s where I want to retire.

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Sandwiched between a 24hr sports massage clinic, milf yoga studio, crèche and wetherspoons it would have:

  • OG bay66 mini replica
  • small concrete quarter from mudchute
  • Manny box
  • mile end toblerone ledges and hip
  • random shit that used to knock about in the paddling pool at chingford circa 1989
  • pool and table tennis tables
  • loads of seating positioned to take full advantage of the sun and foot traffic from aforesaid yoga studio
  • Fountain of youth
  • Cheese and wine/port bar

  • No obstacles more than 3 feet tall

  • Weird whippy quarter in a corner section that’s really low like the one in the corner at Crawley

  • Manny pads and hipped banks/pyramids make up the bulk of things.

  • One of those tall, sloped curbs you get at bus stops

  • Prohibitively expensive retractable roof like at Wimbledon for when the weather’s good

  • Gigs where the band is set up in the mini, with the mini still being available to use like it’s an early 2000s pop punk music video.


Cigar lounge

Pfft how does drinking alcohol make your legs tired. That’s some 5G gives you your corona business


Haha, I know right? The more you skate, the better you’ll be, it’s that easy.


Tasty though.