In the news thread

who takes a guitar to a music festival? Besides the booked acts, of course.

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Who takes anything to a festival that they expect to come home with?

I guess people probably sleep in eco-pods or some shit now.


Is it wrong that I like Trump for this?

“When I said Don’t, I actually meant Do”


The astounding thing is…it’s working for him. Trump has the ability to say anything he wants and then to back-track, disagree, invalidate, twist, manipulate and just outright change what he said at any point in the future. He’s incredibly good at assuming power and control.

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I don’t think it’s working. Everyone can see it and everyone knows it, it’s just that those who can do anything about it simply ignore it.

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London crime isn’t getting much better is it? The discussion around what to do is becoming so urgent that you feel people should be marching in the streets demanding change but on the other hand, who commits this sort of crime? Fuck that person.

Just read that in the news fucking horrific.

In related knife crime news.

From Last nigh at Glasto


Also looks like the baby was delivered.

So, so upsetting. I really hope that baby makes it through, and that it can be given the best possible start in life with all the love and support it deserves.

The entire situation on the US border and how they’re treating the migrants they catch is nothing short of brutal. The comparisons with concentration camps is totally justified.

This is what we should be doing re no deal

The British are far too lazy and timid, we prefer to get angry from our armchairs. We are absolute wasters.
But yeah, if the hype can be drummed up then there should definitely be some sort of revolt. The rest of the world can do it.
I think the government play and plan to play on the fact we are weakly mild mannered when we have left europe and there will be no other entities to answer to when they start to disect everything for profit.

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We have some protests but nothing of late that has reached the levels that they have in Hong Kong.
For the media it’s a great opportunity to further smear the Chinese a bit.

Kadow has set up a petition to save Tompkins sq:

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That’s a problem with Twitter etc, people do their ‘activism’ and outrage on there and feel they’re doing something, when it achieves f*ck all

Some fucking people.

You can see how civil wars happen, there’s no discussion left with these people. Break out the pikes

I was watching an Orson Welles interview the other night and he talks about how he sat next to Hitler at something or other and that he such a nonentity, nothing rememberable or special about him, just some guy that was part of a small political party that people just scoffed at and didn’t take seriously.

*Warnings from history