In the news thread

Another one of my faves, is the claim that the symptoms are exactly the same of that is radiation sickness.

Yeah? Oh, and the rest…

It baffles me.

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It amazes me how good the political and media machine is at making people punch down / across instead of up.


Divide and conquer, the best way to keep people where they are.

Nice big argument about whether the latest field hospital should have the same name as the ENGLISH ones, or have a PROUD, STRONG, Scottish name.

Because that’s worth arguing about… Wankers.



Boris Johnson set to leave self-isolation on Friday - but he still has symptoms


i wonder how the government are going to twist completely fucking up testing?

The 5G thing makes me laugh. I’m a communications engineer and work with high power RF transmitters everyday. Radaiton etc from 5g isn’t new, it’s all around us. We already have 4G TV masts radio masts etc etc etc


Exactly its ridiculous. Same people would probably out in the sun without sunblock, which will often be dangerous radiation. Speaking of which, I know people who don’t believe in sunblock

Yep, Pommers law:
A person’s mind can be changed by reading information on the internet. The nature of this change will be: From having no opinion to having a wrong opinion.


Send this to the tin hat brigade


fucking hell how thick can people be

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weaponised 5G bat

Also, she seemed to be filming them very close up.

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Bad phrase here but can someone give me an idiots guide to this 5G conspiracy? It’s totally passed me by.

This seems to sum it up pretty well:

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My word!
Talk about 5g bat shit crazy :man_facepalming:t2:


There’s an ironic joke in there somewhere. Bats vs 5G.

Cheers. Bonkers.