If they are reception or yr1, come June first, they are sorted! My Wife who is a yr1 teacher has been told by her union the plan is to use social distancing… good fucking luck! If it’s not safe for all years to go back don’t send any of them back.
They have hugely de-emphasised the importance of limiting contact by removing the “stay at home” from the slogan. I also noticed he specifically didn’t mention the words stay at home once in his speech. People are going to take it as free reign to do what the fuck they want. The “keep 2 metres apart” guidelines were supposed to be for when you have to be outside, not just “I’m not close to anyone so I’m fine”, but this was never really put across. I don’t know if they really expect everyone to just stick to socialising with only people that they live with.
What doesn’t sit with me is that this government knows how thick we are as a population, it’s what their entire premise as a political party is based on. So if they’re really trying to tackle this as best they can, then why has their message been so consistently vague?
Starting to wonder if they left it stupid and vague to test the population
I’m thinking the same. Are they secretly pushing a head with Herd Immunity? Like they wanted to do at the very start.
But this is what Cummings was talking about doing at his after dinner talk thing, at the very start of all this (why the gov was so slow to lockdown), and said So what if a few oldies die at least business will survive, ect.
People are already breaking the rules. And although everyone on here is sensible enough to carry on as they are others will interpret the new rules differently. Give them an inch and they will take a mile. The police already can’t cope with their normal work load let alone calls about people breaking lock down rules I’ve heard. We’ve been under lock down for 8 weeks and people are fed up with it. They will be thinking what’s the point. Those of us that follow the rules correctly will get punished with restrictions being lifted and put back in place because others feel it doesn’t affect them or what’s the point.
As if anybody can walk to their construction job. Yes mate, the site is actually just round from my house…
And all those folk working minimum wage jobs in factories running cars right now.
Just an observation but the big home builders round here have had people on site the whole time, Harrods warehouse has been busy as usual and the highway guys have been fixing roads and laying new tarmac.
I went down the seafront in Brighton on friday and it was fucking RAMMED, it was literally impossible to stay 2 metres away from everyone as people were zipping past in all directions, people riding and running right past me sweating and panting. People were anticipating an ease over the last few days and have jumped the gun with it. I fear this announcement will rile the impatient idiots up further in a “I thought you were going to let us see our friends? Fuck you I’m doing it anyway” manner. It’s clear that people are getting restless and the old “we know better than the experts” mentality is starting to slip in.
That’s down to people though, You can’t control everyone. They really should have said nothing has changed or even enforced stricter measures. I agree that taking the stay home off their slogan is going to mess with people.
I’m definitely not saying it’s not a shower of shit though, The government have missed so many chances of doing things right and are continuing to make mistakes. I was surprised by the initial reaction they took to this regarding the money they’ll put in for business’ that gave me some confidence in them doing some real good, but everything else they have mashed pretty badly. I have never had any confidence in the Tories, I never will have overall but I was optimistic because this is a very new situation that no government have had to deal with so it would have really given them a chance to be human and empathetic.
OK so we have an equation from the PM. CLARITY. Great.
The scale goes from 5 to 1. 5 is really bad, 1 is all clear. OK. Got it.
OK seems simple. I’ll just plug in the numbers.
OK so 4649 on the last full day + the R number which is somewhere between 0.5 and 0.9.
So the alert level is somewhere between 4649.5 to 4649.9 on a scale of 1 to 5.
Sleep well.
One of the red tops is already telling people that they’re allowed to go and sit in parks or play sports with others (missing out the “from your family” bit). Government should’ve stayed silent and let the lockdown continue as is for another month at least
It’s almost like cabinet ministers don’t understand their own advice
Now this is the problem, contradicting the initial message. Fucking bells.
Sunday night: Go to work tomorrow.
Monday morning: shit hang on. Go to work Wednesday when we’ve finished typing up our advice.
Shambles is the kindest possible word you could use.
Quite a few of my friends live in Cardiff and work in Bristol. Plenty will be doing it the other way round.
Official gov advice?
It’s just going to turn into a free for all. I’m not seeing any family til this is over. My Mrs feels the same to. Even though her family would be keen to see each other. We have kids they can’t social distance. It’s a joke. How are they going to back track on this when the number of infections rapidly increases. Some people clearly understand the 2nd spike etc and things like that and others just don’t get it and pluck out pieces of information without fully understanding it and it’s going to cause problems.