In the news thread

Really? we’re all good people? you want to read what you post and see how other may read them. You plainly called me a racist, while that it does not bother me, and you may have been joking but that does not matter to anyone. Whether it bothers you or not, my opinion of you has changed, I usually like your fiery arguments, and relish it but now, I can’t see you in a good light.

What do you understand Voodoo? lay it out? what makes you more qualified as a white man to understand any of this situation? What are you accusing me of exactly?
Spell it out for this lesser being please.

I grew up in the troubles, I’ve seen people kill each other over the same religion. People are crazy.

Are those troubles race related? are they the same as what is happening now?

Haha. I can’t talk to someone that talks in semantics and keeps moving their goal posts in a conversation to keep fitting their narrative. Pick a lane.

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none of you are qualified to comment on the situation, same as what you’re accusing me of. Shut the forum down, discussion is over, we’re all white and from other parts of the world where this situation does not happen in exactly the same way. Lets be quiet and twiddle our privileged thumbs.

Yes, I sound ridiculous, but you all do too, it’s just who can make their pedestal higher than the other right now. You have forgotten everything that me or anyone has ever said before, disregarded it and are basing on a misinterpreted last post.

You are either in this conversation to

a) help


b) to be a problem

It’s that simple. Ask yourself which you are being. It’s that simple.

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Go back and read my first post in this topic, is that me trying to be a problem?
Then read Mick’s response to it. it’s 2+2 = racist 101.

There is a distinct lack of debating skills in this thread


definitely, it’s valid opinion on other facets of a situation straight to you’re a racist.

I can’t find it off the bat now, but the is a good one regarding Disney that mirrors what Marlon is saying

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I get this impression that a lot of people want to see drastic change happen in America but don’t like it to happen in an unpleasant way. Not pointing fingers at anyone here, but I see it on twitter and reddit and in the news all the time. A lot of those people are the same ones who since 2016 have been saying “Wow you guys need to start fucking shit up” but get the wiggles when they actually saw it start happening.

If there was a pleasant way of forcing change through it would have happened by now. American democracy is clearly a failure - not because Trump won, but because all the mechanisms of democracy and all the checks and balances that are supposed to exist, are broken.

Also this is more than a reaction to a few incidents of police brutality. Anger has been growing since the last bout of race riots in 92, which lets face it, achieved nothing except exposure. Education is fucked. Healthcare is fucked. The general population is completely divided on every issue and each side hate each other viscerally. Everything in America is about left vs right or dems vs cons or black vs white or Fox vs CNN or pro/anti something. Every single piece of public discourse on every single topic is a battle or a shitfight. There’s a global pandemic (no it hasn’t stopped). There’ 40m+ unemployed people. The ruling party are worse than racist, they’re knowingly evil (you can’t convince me that they actually thing they’re morally right). There are concentration camps where kids are separated from their parents and kept in cages.

Show me a solution to those problems that isn’t unpleasant and I’d vote for it. But some of those things are so fucking urgent that you can’t just wait it out and hope things improve in future.

Plus if you wait too long, you miss the window of opportunity to do anything at all. IMO that’s one good excuse for social distancing to be on the backburner right now, though it is scary. These opportunities don’t come around very often.

It all started with a few clustered reports of police brutality but I think that was just the straw that broke the camel’s back, and I’m not surprised that shit’s on fire.


I’ll try and find it but I saw an interview recently with a guy who used to be a neo nazi and now runs a charity for at risk young men to prevent them going down the same path. And he was saying how in the 80s the white power movement realised that they could gain more traction by being part of the system than trying to do their own thing. So they actively swapped the boots and shaved heads for work shoes and white collared shirts and moved into business and government and that approach has been incredibly successful for them, so much that theres really no part of the American power structure these days that isn’t made to work against minorities. Not that it wasn’t already inherently structurally racist, but this was an active decision to move from street level.

So now in America, theres a limit to the change that voting can create. So what other choice do people have i guess…

Changing the sig from The President of the United States to just Donald J Trump was just too fucked for me.


Now, this is a response. You can point my flaws out and god know I have many and if you do it in a manner that makes me think “yeah, maybe he’s right” then I can learn. If you just jump to calling me out with the worst offence right off the bat with no basis then i’m going to react.
Nothing I have said in here is wrong, you just reacted to something I didn’t say. I didn’t mention the initial crime which is of course, a complete fuck up by the worst kind of person. I commented on something that was being discussed. the riots. Also, I did say that in this case the riots are totally justified and could really do some good as far as awareness and to change people, however the intention of this riots violence is spoilt by opportunists being selfish. This is not a wrong statement, it’s true. You’re judging me because you think that because I mentioned this without sticking my opinion in about the reason these riots are happening that I hold the looting at a higher concern than the death of an innocent man at the hands of a complete cunt. This is what is wrong with debate on here, we’re all trying keep this forum alive but it’s getting so much harder to have a voice without being shot down needlessly by someone who assumes too much.
I don’t deny micro aggressions are not a thing or a problem, but I also think they are causing problems too, but that’s a totally different rabbit hole which i’m not willing to get called out for. Never mind micro, I think you need to deal with the old fashion real outward aggression. Seriously, keep a hold of that handle, don’t be so quick to fly off it.

I think calling someone a racist is way off the mark. you can call me out for having an opinion that is racially misguided, i’ll take that, if you really feel that way, but at least have the ammo against me to do that. You didn’t, you assumed. I don’t need to explain my personal opinion on race and the way humanity has used it for power in disgusting ways, and the fact it’s still poison to this day, I have done that before on here many times, and I don’t need to make sure my first post on any happening situation has to highlight an order of hierarchy to give my other posts context. I believe people should respond to posts individually, not jump straight at something that wasn’t said.

That I can agree on, some more than others though.

I hear that. Remember a few things about my driving instructor, casual racism at work etc etc.

I get Jagger but maybe the wording is coming across too strong. Right now, (looting is bad) but who gives a fuck, have you guys seen what is happening – obviously you have. Its about Black people dying for no reason.

Theft in comparison to murder and rape? Not really comparable is it.

Yes we are on the same page I think. Racism is abhorrently wrong. Jagger is highlighting the much deeper route of the problem. Yes there is a riot, and looting is bad, but thats not whats wrong in society.

100% agree. I have a few BAME friends but my skin colour has never impacted my life in a negative way – which is why ethnic minorities peoples lives matter and institutional racism especially is fucked. (Police in this case.) I completely understand the progress comment and to be honest is how I feel. I understand how Jagger feels, but the issue is so ingrained in society I don’t think that it can be seen as Racist/Not Racist if you saying there is racism in everything. I would agree to an extent but, not everything in a mixed society is riddled with small racial issues.


Also this, too much aggression and not reading each others points through before responding.

I’m furloughed, my mind is destroyed at the moment, struggling but starting to come out the other side I think. Imagine having $1200 or whatever it is, one time only, and it’s like “See ya.” At least we have furlough otherwise I’d be in rent arrears and living at my old dears, so can’t begin to imagine what its like in many other peoples shoes in the UK and abroad.

Thats poor debating skills.


Thats my analysis. Hopefully haven’t started another fire. I just wish I understood what it was actually like to be in BAME person’s shoes, and to try and do something positive towards this issue, not just re-sharing things on instagram, actually do something.

Anyway … Fish Finger Sandwich now. Haha.


Hope they push this right, Trump definitely will be on his way out then


Go on son!