In the news thread

the problem is that Trump and populism has massively polarised society/politics. it’s very left vs right. proper socialism just doesn’t work because there’s too many corrupt selfish cunts in both society and the political sphere. we need to be centrist (is that even a word?)

That is essentially what they’re trying to do now. I don’t think a New Labour approach is effective for the reasons you’ve said.

oh sorry i assumed you meant “be proper left”

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I don’t think any approach will work because there’s too many old Michael Fabricants voting tory because they think it will protect their investments and properties.


They don’t give a fuck about poverty or social issues as long as they’re ok.

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Just listening to radio 4, Hartlepool public interviews basically saying boris has done a great job with the pandemic so they’re going with him.

What fucking planet are they on ? Clearly they have no concerns what so ever about how bad the government has Fucked this country and sorted their mates .

Populism is strong and these fucks must spend too much time believing Facebook and swallowing up the daily fail/sun.

Dumb cunts, again. Easily controlled and Murdock/Tory social media know this .


Was just down M&S and 3 doddery old Gammons in a row picked up The Sun. Headline on the front was ‘Take Sprat’ about how our jolly old navy fought off the yellow belly Frenchies single handed.


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Yeah the daily mail front page is also really gross today.

Such a tired, unfunny joke.



RIP and thank you for everything you’ve done for skateboarding


oh damn. RIP. really loved skateboarding and did so much

  1. Ban vox pops
  2. Ban Facebook ads. Maybe even just Facebook.
  3. Ban pensioners

I absolutely love Wendy’s, can’t wait for the return.


Ah yes.
There was one in Shaftesbury Ave that was my couple times a week lunchtime spot.

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Situation in east Jerusalem is absolutely fucked. Perhaps it’s just me, but I have felt British news haven’t been devoting nearly enough coverage to the recent incidents. Was watching Al Jazeera tonight and both Hamas and the Israeli defence were just firing rockets back and forth at residential housing.

Can’t imagine how difficult/scary it must be living there.

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I have a lot of clients and friends in Israel. It’s scary.

Israel should be a constant source of shame for Brits. Instead we’re treated to the two worlds wars one world Cup brigade


The British media rhetoric and blackout on the incidents in Jerusalem over the past week is crazy. The ethnic cleansing and nakba of Palestinians since the 50s has been constantly justified. It is, however, positive to see several usually a-political sources standing up for Palestinians in the recent week, and a large number of Israeli and Jewish groups declaring enough on the acts of the Israel government.

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The abused have become the abuser. It’s truly despicable to see what Israel is doing right now.