In the news thread

I’ll just leave this here Zuckerberg… it’s not as if we haven’t had any warning. Metaverse, FFS.



It’s only a three part short story. Just shy of sixty pages iirc. Uncannily spot on seeing as it was written over a century ago.

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This paragraph nails it…

“There is no universe, meta-or-otherwise, in which people will not spread conspiracy theories, hate speech, and make threats online. In the metaverse, they will try to show each other their dicks, though it’s worth noting right now that Facebook’s current metaverse avatars do not have bodies that exist below their waists.”

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18 years in prison after a lifetime of misery. Big laughs.

Looks like the court just didn’t believe her side of the story…

As he jailed Jackson, Judge Martin Picton said that she had shown “not a shred of remorse” for the killing and had sought to portray her husband as a “monster”.

Whilst there was no doubt, as in any marriage, points of friction that the lockdown would have exacerbated. I have no doubt that he was nothing like the person you have claimed.

‘David Jackson’s estranged daughter Jane Calverley accused the defendant of being the abuser in the relationship and that her father would never have asked for help because he would have been too proud to admit to being bullied and abused by his wife.


Tragic all round, and fucking up several lives.

Very hard to know exactly what was going on. You thought their might have been closer friends who might have something to say - not the estranged daughter.


One of those situations where as a bystander you have to just trust that the jury having heard a lot more than us have got it right. Speaking of what I’ve just been called to do jury service for the second time.


I’m sure there’s more to the story than her claims but the judge has big misogynistic wanker energy

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Where are you getting that from?

Nobody knows anything about it and it’s all just dark as fuck. Feels distinctly unclassy for it to even be an online discussion hot topic.


Only been called once and never got a case. Gutted

My uncle got called to a jury judging the case of some gang who were burying bin bags full of ecstacy under the back lawn and all sorts. They had to get sneaked out the back of the law building off to a secret location after every session. Well gangster.


I don’t know how you get selected for it other than voting but Id love to do it again

Having gone through the process of buying and selling a house I literally can’t understand how this is possible:


Fairly telling:


Raw sewage in our seas and rivers. Killing David Attenborough and now this.

Stop. Voting. For. These. Fucking. Bastards.


When did ‘I’m’ change to ‘Am’? I know it’s everywhere.

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What does this mean? Am a bit confused by all of this