In the news thread

Healthy dog put down to be buried with owner in Virginia, US


“Indeed, Eazy-E is greatly admired in some quarters.”



Finally the future delivers

Saw a cool one on Reddit the other day.

When I was growing up the older heads would go ape at anyone even leaving litter at our spot.



Same here and it was something we passed down.

I got a load of shit the other weekend from kids for telling a kids parents that her kids had left loads of rubbish (I asked them nicely to put it in the bin and was ignored) and been running around the park calling their friends “fucking cunts” (they were about 8/9 y/o)

I haven’t seen them at the park since.

yeah go fuck yourself apple

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Can only assume the design bypassed Johnny Ive’s desk.

Getting a case of Trypophobia looking at it

It looks like somebody designed a bad PC in 2007 trying to make it look like an OG Mac Pro. Which is still pants for all the hardcore VFX and 3D stuff.

Totally bare apart from a book about Dieter Rams

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I used to be a fan of Apple stuff, when their os felt fairly simple (around the time they started out with Mac Mini etc), but they’ve seriously gone down in my estimations. Seems like they’ve just added more bells/whistles and bloatware as time has gone on.

I use a Windows machine now for work and it seriously feels way more Unix-y than I remember.

Do you use Azure? Because that’s all Linux based

no, just Windows 10. But last time I was using it it was Windows 7 and that was a lot more fluffier and less tile-y