In the news thread

The markets love a bit of volatility though right? Especially with a bit of inside knowledge

Would be so sweet if they somehow got connected to insider trading and that is what brought them down. Akin to tax bringing down Al Capone. Can’t see it but one can dream

Apparently two thirds of people now think Brexit was a shit idea. But Farage still leading in the polls. People are thick as fucking mince.


Yeah BuT I JuSt got mY bLue passPort in tHe post todAy so Worth It M8


I haven’t heard the word sovereignty in what feels like 5+ years. At one point you couldn’t go 5 minutes.


America, Mexico and Canada are jointly holding the World Cup next year, should be fun!


The graphic on the front of my blue passport has completely worn off, to the point I’m wondering if it’s still valid or if I have to get a new one because it’s so fucked haha. Only had it a few years

Brought down by who?

"What ye gonna do, call the polis? We are the polis "

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“Donald Trump insists “everybody loves” his proposal to have the US take a “long-term ownership position” of Gaza to turn it into the “Riviera of the Middle East””


We were talking in here about Project 2025 a few months ago and one of you made the point that Trump’s advisors had distanced him from it. Whilst I don’t want to say “I told you so”, I will - I fucking told you so.

It literally is a playbook for what they’re doing with added “disruption” from Musk.

I wonder where we’re all gonna be in four years



that’s the spirit :smiley:


Pretty sure every generation in history has thought everything is fucked and the world’s gone to hell in a handcart blah blah. It’s great to speak up and protest but, once you realise you can’t do much about it, you kind of owe it to yourself to also find a way to have a good time as well.

I had a friend our age die of cancer last year, four weeks after diagnosis. Every time everything seems shit, I remember she’d happily swap places.


So there are actual nazi public gatherings happening all over the US now. Men in matching uniforms with their faces covered and swastika arm bands and flags

Police aren’t doing anything and it’s down to local people to oppose them

Utterly disgusting. I hope if that happened here we’d actually block it


It’s not without precedent.

The parallels are there for us all to see.

I wonder if that’s why the series Hunters was cancelled?

I googled US Nazi and got an article about Nazis in Cincinnati. Looks like there were about ten of them.

Reddit has had images and stories the last few days of nazi gatherings on highways in California and Texas too

Sorry - I missed those

these wankers phoning up LBC today on the top of “why i support Reform instead of the traditional parties”. all of the reasoning is along the lines of Reform saying something different to Labour/Tories. they say that Reform had better policies instead of just repeating the crap that both Labour/Tories regurgitate. the problem is that Reform (and even Lib Dems and Green) can say WHATEVER they want. the minority parties don’t need to back their policies with actual substance or spending. Reform are cleaning up votes everywhere and if they get in it will be an absolute shitshow because they have no substance to their rhetoric. it’s just angry shouting about immigration with no realistic plan

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