They’ll definitely get in.
In all seriousness if we called a general election right now with Labour being so shit Reform could take a lot of seats (assuming they’d find people to run in every area)
We desperately need to move closer to the EU and a Farage government would ruin this country for decades
Imagine a trump USA and Reform UK at the same time. Hahah fuck me would be an ordeal of shite and spin
Plus Marine le Pen in France, Geert Wilders in Holland, Giorgia Meloni in Italy, Viktor Orban in Hungary and the AfD in Germany.
Cold sweat just reading that.
We need to get a grip on misinformation passed on through social media. I know some people don’t think it has an effect but I’m convinced it amplifies the far right. Especially when their rhetoric appeals to people’s base worst instincts. At the moment they’ve essentially got carte blanche to bullshit as much as the want and reap the rewards.
The bollocks factor is still not talked about enough in the Brexit debate. People were swayed by horseshit. Not all but enough and there’s no comeuppance.
Rant over. Apols
“It’s Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.”
They don’t believed they were bollocks’d too and in their heads they made an informed choice unfortunately. People seem to love voting against their own self interests time after time and are happy to live with their ill informed consequences
Look how the far right love shouting about how ‘we’ won the war but at the same time want to be nazis!?? That is the sort of logic you are dealing with.
Insert any far right dickead for he obvs:
Something a little lighthearted to divert from the crushing weight of current political news, the empty Debenhams in Bristol city centre is going to be converted into a temp skate park, in the vein of Pitt street.
Skate and office collide as I work for one of the non-skate companies involved.
Excited to skate, not excited about inevitably being roped into doing some tricks in my shirt and trousers for the work newsletter
Heh, bet you’ll get called Tony Hawks too
Full of Michael Fabricants - this place is just destitute at this point.
Alice Weidel, leader of AfD, lists her Swiss address as her primary residence, where she’s in a civil union with a Sri Lankan woman. She’s largely against LGBQT rights.
Kanye is a genius.
He’s on a roll this morning. He must just wake up each morning and think “how can I troll the fuck out of everyone today?”
He’s no idiot, he’s suffered this first hand at McDonald’s
Straws are now political. Use one and you support Trump and dumping plastic into the oceans. Kind of genius. Hopefully people will stop using straws?
Coming tomorrow:
“Dawgs everywhere, with the disgusting poo. It has to stop. My plan is beautiful. Make sidewalks GREAT AGAIN!” says Trump as he orders dog rescue homes to incinerate all surplus dogs by Sunday.
Would arguably make more sense as pet ownership is one of the worst environmental choices.