Injuries and treatment

I had a couple like that. The guy I settled on for a few years was a triathlete and sports physio as well as a chiropractor so kind of got it. He moved and so I had to find another. The one I settled on is bang into yoga and callisthenics and, most importantly, he asked me a load of questions about skateboarding and wanted to see some skate videos so to better understand what he was up against. Other than the regular chiropractic sessions I’ve got an ongoing stretch program from him. Like I said earlier, the level of care can really vary.

Yeah I don’t know if anyone remembers that Danny Way doc but he saw something like 14 physios before he landed on one that ‘got it’ and fully sorted him out. All physios are not the same and it may take a long time to find one that understands the dynamics of skateboarding. I saw 1 private physio and 3 NHS phyios before going hard on a full on anke specialist and he took 1 look at the scans and said ‘FUCK MATE YOU’RE ANKLE’S COOKED’ (he was an Aussie). Dorted me out in the end, his mate was an ankle surgeon for a load of premiere league footballers so he sorted me out. Good lad.


the best physio I had I ( before he popped his cloggs ) was an ex premier league physio. Was incredible at pinpointing pain and the correct therapy and said chiropractors were con artists because the cracking of backs and necks don’t resolve the spasmed muscles around the nerves which causes most problems. It’s a temporary release then you’re back again for the same thing . Cerching .

But as always each to their own as I haven’t found a physio that came close to his expertise and pinpointing/diagnosis of pain.

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If anyone wants to know this physio dude that sorted my toasted ankle out DM me. He ain’t cheap BTW but worth it if you’ve had no luck elsewhere. Based in SW London.


Just came across this, decent read and useful gifs:

Not done a deep dive on here but probably useful stuff in there too, lack of images/clips very noticeable when compared to the above though!

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Having a nightmare with sciatica/nerve damage (which I know some of you have had) - was in my leg, now in my groin. Not debilitating but bad enough to stop me skating in this amazing weather. Definitely caused by a year working from home sitting on the shittest chair ever.

Have been doing everything that I thought I should be - regular targeted stretching, walks to keep active - with not a lot of progress. I then got sick of it and had a week off it all, and its starting to feel just a little better…frustrating.

Sounds similar to me - desk job, tight lower back, pain in groin/hip and down to my knee on the same side. No amount of stretching could help.

I saw a chiropractor who assessed me and said my psoas muscle was tight - very common in office workers. After a few adjustments and some specific stretching I feel much better.

Might be worth seeing a specialist if you can?

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Yep, those are my symptoms pretty much word for word.

I’ve been putting off seeing anyone about it - mostly through stubbornness and frustration on decades of skating without any major injuries, only to be taken out by sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day - but you are right, I need to get this looked at.

Cheers mate, really helpful.

I’ve been having achilles trouble for the last couple of months. Feeling like an old man (which I am). Seeing a physio after work with a deep tissue massage to try and loosen up my calves. It’s gonna hurt!

I find my sciatica is triggered by weak glutes from prolonged sitting. I thought that skating over the years would have taken care of my glute muscles but I was really surprised at how weak they were when I started doing squats and other exercises targeting the area.

YouTube is a goldmine for videos on how to strengthen them and you can use resistance bands, etc. It might be worth looking into. You should feel results after a couple of weeks if you’re diligent about doing the exercises.

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Brilliant, cheers mate - glancing at some of the YouTube videos it looks like I can sort out my sciatica and get a booty at the same time. Win win.


Just got back from my physio/sports massage. Wow. Easily the single most painful experience of my life. I was writhing around on the table, pissing with sweat and trying not to scream. He diagnosed that the problem wasn’t with the achilles but tight calf. I thought he was leaning in with his elbow but was actually only applying a small amount of pressure with his finger. The muscle was so knotted that barely any localised pressure was agony and when he started working out the knots the pain was something else. Fucking really sore now and he said it could be 4-5 days before it feels somewhat normal.

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You will feel brand new by weekend!!

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Hope so! Have a day booked off to skate tomorrow but not sure that will be happening.

I’m sure you will be. I suffer from niggles due to tight calfs and a sports massage is always a sadistic pleasure.

When he was working on the knots it felt like he’d stuck a meat hook in there and tugged at it for all he was worth! It was actually pretty traumatising. I’ll prob need more as he couldn’t go as deep as he wanted due to my pain levels, but not sure I’ll be able to drag myself back there after that.

Nice one, will catch up on that later!

Been doing more and more kettlebells and bodyweight lately and have really let the mobility/yoga take a back seat.

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Fucking hell!

I’ve seen the slam - super gnarly. I haven’t watched the video though but, if anyone wondered what the result of that slam was, from what I understand she essentially sheered off the top of her femur, leaving the ball in the socket of her hip joint :nauseated_face:. She’s back skating now though. She was in that Dew Tour comp.

Edit: just checked Slap and that is pretty much what the outcome was. She’s got some massive screws in there now.

wow, that was fucked,