Interview Thread

Not giving dudes their per diem ‘for a joke’ was one. Laughing at them for being hungry.

Oh I think I heard something about the being hungry one.

Somebody definitely mentioned in an interview once that they were sitting outside a restaurant while Sinclair and others ate their dinner. Apparently he wouldn’t give the skater his per diem. Can’t for the life of me remember who it was that said that!

Good follow up to the Isle/Nike video. Really interesting hearing Nick talk about the process and thinking behind it.


I interviewed Michael Burnett for North, and since skate shops aren’t open as normal for folk to get the mag, it’s online now.

In fact, this is it here:


Build your Slap user rep is in shambles

Seems pointless to try to make an effort there.


I got negative rep and I don’t know how.

Nor do I care.

It’s almost like 4chan on there, but I have love for the place. Sometimes.

Great interview by the way. They help out on these quiet, lockdown days.

I don’t read slap forum is it good?

I like it, it’s not the best for nuanced discussion but it’s very entertaining. I enjoy the brutality of the posters. Quite a few trolls but they get adequately shit on

You’d like it.

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Nyjah penned some thoughts:


Lots of toilet humour.

“And then - I send it.”

Anyone got one of those Men In Black flashy pens so I can redact that whole thing from memory?


If there was an opposite opinion on skateboarding to mine then it would be what Nyjah just wrote. Fair enough but fucking hell, makes me want to just watch Grosso on youtube to feel good again.

I’ve been eating s*** my whole life.

Ooo, punchy

I’m talking about slams,

We know


We know



Basically, just getting wrecked when I fall off my board.



That article just doesn’t need to exist

‘bro, that was over 20 years ago . Most of the kids skating now weren’t even alive.’



Yeah, I got a little bit of that feeling from the article too. Watching Tampa Pro this year, Nyjah’s form was formidable. He was noticeably better than everyone. He looked way sharper. Though Yuto wasn’t there.

He will only be 26 next year, however, so he will still be in his prime. Just got to avoid injuries.