Interview Thread

Always loved this one


Itā€™s like heā€™s grinding some artillery.

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Havenā€™t read any of this yet, but you know itā€™ll be good

that was great.
jerry with the comedown at the end mind.


Wow that was really good. Especially about getting rid of fear and neuroplasticity and whatnot

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How great and healthy does Karl Watson look?!

Fantastic little piece. Recently fell into the ā€˜Iā€™m going to get trick x nextā€™ trap then not committing. Iā€™ll shut now lol

Randomly, I just listened to this interview with Tom Bilyeu the other day also with Andrew Huberman. Definitely worth your time.

Heā€™s popping up all over the place.

Havenā€™t had time to listen to this yet but I imagine that it will be interesting.

Alvin Singfield, formerly of Faze 7 during the glory days when Burlo et al distroā€™d World, etnies etc etc.
Alvin was TM/marketing guy and was instrumental in establishing Panic & Blueprint.


Meant to listen to that too, will put it on tomorrow at work. Matā€™s a good dude, should be interesting

I got sent this last weekā€¦Listened for a while and then skipped forward to gauge where his head was at, and his memory was all over the place on the era I knew him best.
I decided to leave it there at that point.

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Nonetheless, he was in an important position at a very crucial time (very early 90s) so this is valuable cultural shit.

I can only imagine how much a certain person will be fuming about it too.


I always got on well with Alvin.


Yeah, I always got on with Alvin.

Itā€™s not like there was anything to make anyone look bad in the parts I heard - but it wasnā€™t exactly right as others might remember it.

ā€¦and that other personā€¦I meanā€¦his memory ainā€™t too hot, either, right? ha ha.

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Iā€™ll give that a listen. I met Alvin back in the 80ā€™s when he was on holiday for a week or so in Dorset. At the time he claimed his name was Fred and told many a ā€˜tall taleā€™ like how he worked in Slam, (he had a stack of Slam stickers to back it up) and how his mum kicked the Gonz out of his house for eating too much toast or something, haha. He also rode a different set up everyday for the first few days. He was a laugh though and spent more time eating - memorably chicken and chips everyday - than skating. I had the feeling he thought he was pulling the wool over the parochial localsā€™ eyes. Just to let you know Alvin, you werenā€™t :wink::joy:


I donā€™t even care if this is actual truth or not. Iā€™m going with it.

That was the actual claim, for sure. There were loads of others that have faded over time but that one stuck with me. Itā€™s a classic, eh?

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For me, its the truth. Gold.

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Yeah, the only thing I ever hear about him is that he has delusions of grandeur and tells the biggest whoppers ever. Literally cannot stop bullshitting.


Heckride interview with Strobeck