Make the site look work-related

This feature is only available to supporters of the site!


Easiest thing to do is make it look like you’re on a broadly work-related site. Please note this will not hide images in posts, but should at least make it look get-awayable-with.

Site header should look something like this after:

  1. Click your hamburger dropdown in top right corner of screen
  2. You have the option of Finance, SEO, Marketing and Photoshop themes, as well as the default light and dark themes. Try some out and see what you like.
  3. That’s it.
  4. Kneel down, grab indy, look back at filmer, give ‘what’s up’ nod whilst kissing the air


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Should really be ‘How Tos’ but since nobody here works at OED I’m sure it’s fine.

I’m a pedant too, so will change, thanks for the heads up

Bit next levs. Dig it

This is rad - make a dark version of it too.

Maybe if I get the time

This is fucking great