Merry Christmas ya'll

Yeah, soon, drop day is 31st Dec…

Puts hand up. Also in the Christmas Day birthday club.

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Merry Christmas all! I was working last night but finished at 01:30, locked the office up and got home to bed. Just woke up and it’ll be a nice walk with the dog followed by presents with the wife, nip around to my parents to wave at them, my grandad, and my disabled aunt and swap presents through the window, then off to my wife’s family for more presents and an insanely massive three course dinner, after a few chocolate raisins, twiglets, breadsticks, kettle chips, mini cheddars and Quality Street or whatever else they’ve got about in bowls around the room.

All will be had with soft drinks because I’m back in the office again tonight. Walk home from the wife’s family’s house for a quick sleep after dinner and pop back for a slice of cold meat, pork pie, cheese and biscuits etc before unlocking the office and cracking on until 7am Boxing Day. It’s a super easy night to work but I’d obviously prefer to be on the sherry. Feel more sorry for some of my team who have kids and can’t be with them Christmas Day, all because the supermarkets can’t close for more than a single day.

Hope all of you have a wonderful time; seeing some of the stuff you’re all doing for your kids and that is proper heartwarming stuff. Also feel the same as a lot of people are saying, normally I’m not about Christmas but the bug has really bitten me this year. Think I’m just latching on to something positive after a generally dreary year of shit happenings. Feel like I’m going to go into 2021 with a renewed vigour I can only describe as embracing the fact that life is transient.

Sincerely, all the best wishes, big love and good vibes to all of you and your families.


I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck.

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You alright @navitronic

Yeah, will be once it’s all over. My sons 7th birthday was Christmas Eve. The preceding night was a total disaster, but the morning with me ended up being mostly fine in amongst me and my fiance having meltdowns from exhaustion. Also, prior to that I helped a friend move house in the days leading up to that which made everything totally manic too.

Now Christmas Day is mostly done and we just need to get three overhyped kids to bed and then I can collapse.

I also have a fucked shoulder from sleeping weird.

In short. Blended families are hard.

Also Christmas morning involved a hostage exchange of one kid in a McDonald’s car park and guilt tears from his mum. Such a cliche. Haha.


Yer I’m just going along with the ride on that one. Seems ok so far, haven’t been banished to the car park!

Will hopefully be in Melbourne at some point 2021 if everything can go back to some vague normal. Will come say hello / pretend to go skateboarding?

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Yep. I’ll be in a car park in a couple of hours doing much the same.
Already been asked if I can collect a couple of hours later, which is just lame.

Happy Christmas. ha ha ha

If anyone is ever in Melbourne, I will happily give you a tour and show you all the places I never have time to skate :joy:


It’s a weird thing. It’s amplified for me, as we have two days of celebrations back to back and equitably splitting them is next to impossible. And I get it’s difficult, but don’t guilt me that I have plans and something organised for lunch, when you specifically wanted Christmas Eve because of your family traditions. Kids have two parents, not just one.

Yep. I’m getting the same here.

Kinda knew there was going to be some kicking up last minute as organising this year was so easy in this respect. Too easy…

My son and Nephew

Hooooooly fuck Santa’s been. Can’t believe it.

My sons still snoring.

Nadolig Llawen Pawb.


Next door neighbours kids get up early then.

My 18 yr old still asleep.

I’m going to see if I can have die hard on a loop all day.
And I’ve decided to wear a suit all day.


Merry Christmas forumers!

The booze is out!

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I just want a Christmas where I stay home. Cook food, drink booze, eat food. Pass out. Watch shit telly. Drink more booze. Sleep.

Not this Australian summer shit where you visit people and drive around like a twat.


Happy christmas everyone!

Been up for an hour, all 3 boys are very happy playing with stuff.
Realised the mash potato for dinner is 10 days out of date… be alreeet? eeer