Middle Aged Shed

Yeah they’re great. If you get one you have to put your hand over it to see what it feels like. It’s a rite of passage into middle age.


Oh yes. Doing it all proper.
There’s the sand one you can do that does seem easier but is prone to movement.

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In all seriousness, that’s a really good way to de-glove your entire hand

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Got a karcher in the last month and they’re great but didn’t realise how much water they piss out.

Can’t wait to post in here when I move into the new house.

You lot are gonna get bbq envy.

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I had a proper industrial one when I had a car yard. Remember once I took the paint off a car bonnet.

The guy who came to service it said the gnarly ones can cut a 2x4 in half easy. So yeah don’t put it near your hand.

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Fiver says Hugo gets a gas bbq.


There is a product called Koh and it did the oven better than anything we have ever tried, and we’ve tried most of them.

Of course.
Doing this and the shed/summer house is next. Still working out what makes the most sense and £££ obvs.

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it’s proper name is an outdoor grill


I need to concrete in a broken hammock post (because muscle weighs more than fat obviously) so I can get my hammock back up ready for the summer, we did a load of garden stuff at the start of lockdown so want to get back out there and enjoy it


Well you are wrong since I’ve had 2 smokers previously and am a bbq champion (among friends).

I am considering getting both though since I’m going to make an outdoor kitchen.


Pics or it didnt happen

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Taste test bbq off. Then afterwards we can test out bbq cleaning products.


Midway through my own little off grid cabin build at the bottom of the garden…


Bloody hell! That looks amazing! Did you design it yourself or is it a kit?

Hahaa thanks, it’s far from finished but I’m relatively happy with the progress considering I’ve never built anything like this before.

Designed by myself and the missus as we go, usually our dinner involves lots of triangular drawings and the plan has sort of come together organically

Nice shingles.

Heavy first post

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Ah I forgot about your smoking abilities, props.

Did you move abroad to sunnier climbs or forget which country you live in?