Middle Aged Shed

This is eating into your Video Days time, Les.

Nobody cares what somebody who hasn’t seen Video Days does in their garden.


So I am basically banned until I watch it then. I’m busy.

Wife has been seriously into gardening and was dead against the ivy growing up the pear tree.
I’ve just spent an hour snipping and yanking the ivy from the tree.
Got dust in my eyes, my arms are scratched to bits but that ivy has to go.
The rest is going to require a ladder.
I’ve started so I’ll finish.

Just cut the ivy all the way around the stem of the tree at the bottom. Let the ivy die then pull as much of the stringy bits off once the leaves are gone.

Yeah, chop it at the bottom and the rest will die and you can just pull it off.

Thought since it can worm its way into brickwork that it could establish roots anywhere it managed to reach.
Hopefully I’ve done enough then.

I guess this is the right place to post about renovating an ex ganja farm. This place is so fucked. So much to do.


Where’d that dual sink unit come from?

The base was from an antiques fair, it’s French from the early 1900s and the sinks were on sale on a website called Tikamoon

Oh lol fair enough. I like the bathroom. Can’t imagine how disgusting the whole house would’ve been

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Good shout on ditching the bath for a walk-in shower. Did likewise a few years back when we moved in and it’s worth doing.

There seems to be a fair few people on here interested in making/restoring/woodwork etc so I thought I would chuck out a couple of youtube recommendations of channels I follow.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzr30osBdTmuFUS8IfXtXmg This guy does lots of housebuilding/framing/blacksmithing, he’s from Oregon I think and has a nice way of speaking, I have a lot of his videos on in the background in the workshop.

https://www.youtube.com/user/arduinoversusevil Tool reviews/breaking things/swearing from some mad Canadian fella. He’s a bit of a genius once you get into it and a bit of a cult figure, really knowledgeable and has such a spectacularly vulgar vocabulary.

https://www.youtube.com/user/featony Machining/metalwork. Nice videos with magic tricks snuck in.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7FkqjV8SU5I8FCHXQSQe9Q Japanese furniture maker, nice calm well made videos with no chat.

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These are great. One major disadvantage about living in an apartment is not having space for a basic workshop. My son (8) found this video the other day and is now keen to do some woodworking. As am I to be fair, making a secret door/bookcase into a hidden lair would be cool.

Yes! Although the downside of YT is I do get tired of seeing the same thing made across the internet. When someone makes something special, it’s copied and then becomes some viral object that everyone puts their take on devaluing the art in the original. Still, that’s the way of the world, everyone wants some kudos for themselves.

I love watching this stuff late at night on YouTube, even though I know full well that I never will start casting things in epoxy resin and turning them on a lathe, making my own garden furniture from cast concrete, hammering wads of tin foil into perfect spheres or cleaning my car in minute, obsessive detail.

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Exactly, no one starts doing shit like that, until they see a lathe on ebay and oooh, the cogs start turning.

Anybody ever dethached, used a scarifier, on their lawn?
If so, the handheld ones, are they OK or is the mower like version the go to option?

I’ve done it with a rake but I guess it depends how big your lawn is.

The one I want to do is small but years deep in underlying moss and thatch.
Nod to youtube for the knowledge.

I’d just have a go if you’ve already got a rake and see how you get on. It’s not very much fun, though.