Music thread

I was thinking of a band night out to see them only last month :frowning:

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Definitely. Wouldn’t have thought a Shellac album of all short songs would work.


They still have that old idea of integrity maybe. People have different ideas now and the climate is completely different.
Just had this conversation with the Missus weirdly, about mine and our musical projects.
I am a realist when it comes to my music, it has nothing for todays listener, it’s for people that want to endure an album and see if it grows on them and delve into the detail. I’m good with that


Yeah the new record is great, had it arrive in 't post this morning. Short yet sweet.

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Enjoying this


Finally got a copy of this on CD. Love this mix


Tara Clerkin Trio in cov tomorrow night :+1:

Not sure who posted it or even what thread it is in. Assumed it was a joke but Desmond Doom Surf Goth is fucking great…

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Yeah, it’s properly decent.

Any heads at the Cannibal Ox gig in Bristol tonight?

No but about 21 years ago I double dropped and listened to The Cold Vein whilst lying on the floor. It was amazing.


Can Ox in Bristol?

And it’s an actual Cold Vein tour?

That will be amazing. Really wish I was saying yes to your question…


Nothing special, but a sorry t makes an appearance in this.

Just discovered this early Ivor Cutler record.

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Ox out the Cage then Atom on pills was fucked. Same with Rediculoid, Pigeon and Scream Phoenix. El P fucking killed the production on this.

El-p is a proper genius. Still killing it with RTJ, though I pine for Def Jux era to all be on Spotify…


Yeah, I have most of the old Def Jux albums on CD in the loft, but a lot of listening is via YouTube uploads. Great era. I’m hoping/expecting a solo announcement soon if I’ve not missed it already…

Couple of randoms which I really love…