Music thread

'Smother my chips in curry sauce, I’m scoffing ‘em down like a hungry horse.’

Dylan Thomas, if he’d written about the joys of a chippy tea.

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Just saw Cavalera play a set of early Sepultura stuff tighter, more aggressive and heavier than when I saw Sepultura play Sepultura.


Cavalera Conspiracy right? i really should have gone to this. early Seps is my jam

my mates wanna go see Pantera next year but i just don’t think i can put aside my distaste for them after Phil’s neo nazi shit that got them banned from Germany. he has barely apologised for it and while he seems to be in a better place…i dunno…doesn’t sit right

Arise is a fantastic album. Some ok stuff on other albums but Arise is Peak Sepultura.

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Chaos AD and Roots too! But yes Arise is the main jam. For some reason I own some of the later albums but I don’t know why because they’re not great

LOVE sepultura. seeing the video for Inner Self on Raw Power basically kickstarted me getting into skateboarding.

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it’s mad how many genres the early albums crossed. Arise has to be one of the best thrash songs ever. there’s death metal stuff all over the first few albums. Roots becomes more, what, heavy metal? less thrashy/deathy

this conversation has made me realise that someone remastered Arise recently -

holy fuuuuuuuuuuck that’s so good

Raw fucking Power!
Aka ‘The Power Hour’
Used to stay up til 3am to tape the good bits, had a rad vhs with all the best thrash on it
Death Angel ‘Voracious Souls’ vid ftw


I had a similar realisation when my Spotify shuffle put on an early Hatebreed track I hadn’t listened to in forever.

Realised all the current hardcore/metal/thrash stuff i’ve been listening to is basically just a Hatebreed cover band!

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All the talk of festivals in the Pointless thread and not one mention of Dungeon Siege? What’s up? That shit went off.

I mean, Beneath the remains has some good stuff, Inner self, Mass hippynosis etc and of course can’t leave out Troops of doom from earlier but Arise is one of the most tightest Thrash albums ever recorded, all great. I was already finding out so much more music from skate videos that Chaos AD didn’t do much for me but of course it had it’s moments.

Yeah Anselmo can do one as far as I’m concerned, but then personally I’m not really into Pantera, Down etc. so I don’t have to navigate the ‘separate the art from the artist’ thing there.

Cavalera’s slightly different to CC. It seems to be their way of reclaiming the Sep back catalogue. Their rerecordings of the early Sep stuff (starting from the very beginning) are great if you haven’t heard them. Schizophrenia drops imminently.

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I liked Pantera, Vulgar display is a classic and even some of far beyond driven, Cowboys is good but I remember everyone in my group started smoking weed and watching Vulgar Video all the time and thinking it was hilarious. I just cringed mostly, then again I wasn’t ‘stoned’. People don’t realise that their heros are bellends.

@cleam.clackers oh crazy i didn’t realise that was something they were doing, i assumed you meant the CC tour :smiley: sounds sick anyway. Max is such an absolute legend and Sepultura have been a big part of my life. going back to Pantera - i’m a guitarist and play a lot of Dimebag stuff. he never seemed as bad as Phil but it’s always been a bit borderline

@notactuallyhere there’s levels i think. i struggle to listen to anything by the Smiths because of Morrisey. i grew up on a lot of Pantera and still really like a lot of their music but Phil has ruined it to an extent. I don’t think i’m going to go see them live because of it which makes me sad but i dunno, gotta draw a line somewhere i guess

i fully appreciate that there are a lot of assholes in music but supporting a neo nazi is too far


I liked soulfly and nailbomb too


That’s why rick Astley doing a Smiths set was such a joy. Smiths minus the creepy Britain first supporter guy who lives in LA


Off to this on sat, don’t think I’ve been koko since 2011

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Beast of a guitarist and very innovative for sure.

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Wasting away was on repeat for a while when it came out.

Dimebag did have more of a live and let live vibe about him but who knows what inherent prejudices could be lurking in there due to living where he lived and the people surrounding him, I choose to give him the benefit of the doubt basing it on his easy outlook on playing guitar and styles, he’s very open about that and talks very freely accepting and he could have that style of outlook throughout. However Phil is aggression and his lyrics are usually about power and confrontation so his personality is driven by it and veins of hate are surely to run throughout, so I can judge more accordingly on that.

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