Music thread

It’s a fucking minefield

I mean

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I saw a Kristin Hersh 7" the other day. If it had been Your Ghost I would have bought it, even though I have no idea on the origin of that inside joke or what it sounds like

in-joke aside your ghost is a banger.

Kristen is a banger of a writer.

Founded Throwing Muses at fourteen.

Oops that was not meant to be a reply.

Always dug, and still do dig, this:

Why does it keep getting mentioned? was it in a skate vid?

Limbo as an album is close to flawless. And i’m not sure it’s anywhere near as popular as Real Ramona or University

It was the tune on Blueprint/Jenson day in the city and I don’t think the vid stated the somg so the forum was full of requests of what the song was
As far as I remember.

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Yeah, it was from the first Day in the City video that came free with Sidewalk mag, so the forum seemed like the obvious place for people to join up and ask what the song was called. After getting sick of answering the same question again and again, with many easily searchable threads already, people started coming up with songs that they knew the asker would have to search out (not just Rick Roll them), knowing they’d be disappointed with their Limewire download. I think it was even included in the forums FAQs?

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Guitar reminds me quite a lot of Hurt by Johnny Cash (NIN) in places.
Probably just the same chords.

And then any song request was met with ‘your ghost’.

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Yeah then it worked it’s way back to being that, haha. Full circle.

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this = smile inducing

Yer they are sick. Just watched the video to Its a Sin or whatever it’s called, wanted to see how mental it was - quite was the answer. Is Don Brider the Preist?

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I like this.


Is that his Gravis part? Having a brain fart.