Music thread

It’s the self importance that makes me laugh. Similar to when someone tweets a celebrity with millions of followers, to announce that they will unfollowing. Like they will give a shit that some neckbeard basement dweller no longer follows them on twitter.


Fully thought the guy was somebody famous until now. And he isn’t.

‘Random guy writes funny Tweet’, then.

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I’d question it’s legitimacy too, no one is that stupid and that’s a reply you wished you wrote after the real unfunny reply just stating that RATM are a political band.

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Former RATM guy has made his account private now, so can’t confirm one way or the other. Still want that to be true though…

Dope Bicep live set from last year.

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little jam from just now

using the same project but 42 bpm faster

Such an absolute fucking jam

Featuring Chaz & Dave!


Personally prefer this one…

Unfortunately he was responsible for that god awful Something Inside so Strong song.

Yeah but at the same time, yo can’t discredit Stevie Wonder just for I just called…

Giving Tweez by Slint a go and it sounds almost like a completely different band. Considering I’ve probably played back Spiderland over and over in my car, I’m surprised it’s taken me this long to get around to it.

But I like it. Feels a lot more spontaneous and experimental + a very raw feeling in comparison to SL. That’s Steve Alibini’s production for you, I guess.

Fuck knows what happened that Spiderland became THE Slint record… An admin mix-up over at Touch & Go, maybe? Tweez is the better record by miles.

Not just saying that as an Albini fetishist either.


Without sounding like every fan of that album and every reviewer of the album, it’s got to be the whole aesthetic of it, where as Tweez feels a bit more of a niche record? I don’t know, but I don’t get the hate for Tweez. It’s different and all, but it’s far from bad like others make it out to be online.

Well, Spiderland has a certain ‘haunting’ quality with the spoken word vocals and the ‘math rock’ sense of the music ties weirdly together.

EDIT: Well, Spiderland is niche in its self and all…I dunno to put what I mean together hahah. I blame the heat and added caffeine.

I think it popped off because it was kind of an accessible version of Rodan, who everybody should love anyway. And a bit like Labradford, who appeared the same year, but with actual songs. Maybe people originally just figured it was an obscure enough reference to drop, but over the years everybody ended up listening to it and being a bit disappointed. A song from it in Kids didn’t hurt either, I suppose.

I think if you’ve read all the praise that Spiderland gets, and you want to listen to it for the first time, you should listen to The White Birch by Codeine instead. Three years later, but its everything people assume Spiderland is.

Always seems funny that Scots indie-rockers Mogwai always got compared to Slint, when they sound fuck all like Slint but almost exactly like a boring cross between Codeine and Labradford. Apart from a few songs I suppose.


Ooh I’ve actually been meaning to get around listening to Codeine.

Cheers for the links and suggestions, need to get onto them this arvo.

I don’t really get the link with Mogwai too much, considering Mogwai just make long, noisy jams with not many lyrics in them.

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Lazy journalists, and the band kinda went with it in interviews.

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I like Mogwai, to a degree. There are always 2 good tracks on every album and the rest kinda whatever but those two tracks are top notch to make it worth it. Weirdly I found Mr Beast to be all amazing bar 1-2 tracks. I kinda see the connection but like you say, lazy journalism or just trying to make a link to something the reader will have heard of.

Mogwai are boring so to compare them to a much more interesting band makes people feel good.

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Boring is a fair evaluation, they are def 75% boring but the rest is really good, all or nothing for me. It’s kinda hard to compare as they are far cleaner sounding than the Slint etc, they don’t have that overall aesthetic like a dirty sheet over them.