Nine Club

I don’t know who he is but I assume he’s slim, extremely handsome and fucking amazing at skateboarding.


I’m watching the end credits to the Final Fantasy VII remake so I can finally put off watching Video Days for some other reason now.

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The Braille trick tutorials are good. Aaaron Kyro has a good way of breaking a trick down. The other Braille videos are terrible though, in the warehouse.

Good youtubers to watch are Ben Degros and Chad Caruso.

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I’m certain trick tutorials only help you learn a trick because it gets you to spend time trying it and trying different things. My experience of skateboarding is totally different from your experience of skateboarding so if I tell you to put your foot here and here and then think about some vague timing idea and movement with your flick does that really help you? Or does it just intrique you enough to make you try it for yourself in a way you didn’t do it before?

Anyways, fully agree about Ben and Chad. I changed truck brand because of Ben (and @anon90826813) and feel better for it. Chads trip across the States was legendary

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Skate Hacks is the best for tricks breakdowns and tutorials. No bullshit, no fucking around, no trying to become a Youtube star, just useful info which I always forget once I step onto my board…


Old Friends are worth following. i think they do a patreon thing for extra information. Dr Kyle (sp?) is awesome

Someone watch it and tell us if it’s worth bothering with:

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Audio quality is so bad…
I’m 20 mins in and there hasn’t been a single interesting moment so far.

Love Gino. I also am probably in the minority as I also like the Nine Club (sk8 geek) generally. But this needs to pick up quite a bit…

Chris Roberts is getting stupider by the week. At least when Roger was on if they had somebody smart/interesting guesting he could kinda lead the conversation because he’d at least know a bit about them, but I think it’s a really tough watch now.

Would have been hyped for this once, not now. It’s hardly Bobshirt.

That’s two references to this Milan trip from Roberts which Gino doesn’t recall now, all a bit cringe.

I bailed around the 30 minute mark.
If there is anything worthwhile after, a timecode would be appreciated.

Sounds like it’s best to wait for the highlights on this one then?

Interviewers fault or Gino not having much to say?

Will anyone actually finish watching it? I’d be slightly interested to know what happened with Nike, he only had a collab with them a year back was it?

Seems like they needed to upload this one with subtitles baked in!

I think you just saved a lot of clicks.

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I love the trend of people continually being disappointed in Gino. It’s pretty funny


Going on the Nine Club is quite a skateboardy thing to do.


As is being a professional skateboarder


Good point well made.

I’d rather see him put out a few clips a year but it’s not worth getting angry about.