Not Stoked.

Feel like I’ve trapped a nerve in my back today. Looking at doing some sort of yoga at home so I can gain some flexibility and hopefully just feel a bit better

people i work with who routinely share videos about how climate change is a lie and a conspiracy by various business groups. coupled with how dangerous 5G is and that is causes trees to go brown etc.

you can’t argue with them because any scientific evidence you bring is “tainted” because either it’s funded by a private group with vested interests in the outcome or its government and therefore “fake”

Man you work with some dicks.

unsurprisingly they’re pro-brexit and anti-vax also. my wife almost punched one of them at a wedding we went to a few years back because he went on about the dangers of vaccination. strangely enough his kid is vaccinated tho

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Flat earth and Lunar landing hoax too?

neither of those have come up. BUT they’ve both argued that chemtrails are a thing. i used to stir up arguments with them and just let them rant. one of them mentioned something about fluoride in water once so i asked them about toothpaste and then went on a lunch break. when i came back an hour later there was a group of people arguing over the value of toothpaste/brushing your teeth

apparently one of them just gargles olive oil and never brushes :nauseated_face::nauseated_face:

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This is probably the result of spending too much time on Facebook. Or any time at all on Facebook.


they watch loads of stuff like infowars and subscribe to loads of pseudo-scientists who know the “truth”

‘Clever stuff for stupid people’.

Do you think this type of thinking happened as much before the internet? Have older generations just forgotten about the things that were explained quite well at school? OR are they just a bunch of cunts being cunts for the sake of being cunts?

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nah the internet is definitely fucking up society in some ways. look at the anti-vax movement and the effect it has had - that is purely down to fucking facebook mums and shit like that

similarly all those ridiculous trends like ice cream licking and tide pods. even benign but retarded things like photographing your meal

the irony is i work for a web hosting company…

Before the internet it was only jumpers for goalposts, white dog shit and porno mags in the woods.


porn in the woods, fucking great days


In my experience you were more likely to find them in bushes than woods.

Depends on the local landscape I suppose. Depends if you had golf courses or woods.

It was bushes, or the old ww2 bunker, round these parts…


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+1 for bush references.


bin bags down porno alley for me

I think we’re talking about finding them, not dropping them off, Pervert.


Actually one time I took a bin bag full of porn mags to the local dump, and back then the recycling bit was only one skip, which was taller than me and it had a couple of big letter boxes in it. Since I wasn’t spending my afternoon at a family-friendly dump methodically posting batches of jazz into a letterbox (I worked in a paper shop so could steal all the gentleman’s periodicals I wanted and had quite a lot) I figured it’d be best if I chucked the whole bag in the top.
I started swinging, built up some momentum and hurled the whole thing into the skip.

Except the skip had a roof/lid, which I suppose makes sense, but my bag o’ porn just whacked onto the top and burst, and the wind blew all these mags all over the entire fucking place. Pensioners with their grass cuttings, builders with fuck knows what, families with old toys, absolutely everybody there stopped and watched my wind-assisted wave of smut flutter all over the ground, all over the whole council facility.

Grabbed what I could, posted them, legged it.