Not Stoked.

Saw that this morning too… RIP.

Just took the car to the garage with a blowing exhaust. For context, it’s a 2009 Honda F-RV, so possibly the ultimate dad wagon.

Replacement front and centre section from Honda? £814.

Eight hundred and fourteen pounds.

Plus VAT.

Best part of a grand for a car that cost two and a half.

So the friendly local garage are welding in a replacement section as best they can. And so begins the bodging…

On the plus side, skated home. So that was nice.


Nah, they’re a decent outfit, I’ve used them quite a bit before. They wouldn’t do it if they couldn’t do a reasonable job.

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Just caught a couple of people breaking into my place. Managed to scare them off and they didn’t get away with much, but definitely not feeling particularly safe any more. Massive adrenaline comedown now.

Only been here a few weeks, we were sooo stoked with the move but now my girlfriend is scared to live here. Fucks sake.

Burger alarm shopping in the morning I think. Fuuuuck

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Into your house!

Fuck man! Thats gnarly hope you’re both ok

fuck, terrible! I know how you feel right now and it’s very traumatising for everyone. Deffo get get the loudest alarm you can find and you absolutely will feel more secure with that set. Might seem like overkill but the more shit you can lock the better you’ll feel. People complain about ‘living in a prison’ when you bolt your doors and stuff, but home is the one single place you have a right to feel secure.


I hope your both OK and nothing was damaged. Have you reported it?

Shit one. Get a bat / crowbar you can stick under the bed. Wouldn’t hurt to put a note at their point of entry saying they’re being watched.

I really need to sort our house out, we’re always forgetting to lock the door. I had a delivery woman at my door yesterday asking if I’d taken in a large parcel for my adjoining neighbour’s who’re on holiday. Shed delivered it earlier (left it near their doorstep behind a bush) but was ordered to go back and get it back as the neighbours had complained to say they were away and had arranged for delivery on a specific date. No dice.

I’m really hoping one of their parents was passing and stuck it in the house.
I hate thieves more than anything I hope their fucking hands rot off.

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Cheers lads, yeah no harm done.

Luckily the dog woke me up just as they were coming in, I have those little windows above all doors so I could see light from the corridor. So I got up to investigate, guy is just managing to open the back door with a torch in his mouth, so I just started yelling obscenities like a nutter and he fucked off, even closed the door behind him.

Meanwhile I’m grabbing the dog to make sure he’s safe and another guy was coming in the front door, he’s cleared out the front porch but that’s as far as they got. Only valuables missing are what was in coat pockets. And the coats themselves. And my stinky gym stuff.

@KeithBeef yeah we reported it, actually pretty amazing they had a guy at my door before I’d even got off the phone. 15 mins later a dog squad! Couldn’t believe the response there.

Have to wait for the crimescene guys to examine the doors today, then I’m gonna spend extra for some quality locks, and start looking at alarms too. Maybe a hammer or something to keep under the bed…


Yikes, surprised they didn’t fuck off as soon as the dog started up. Glad you’re all okay.

Keep meaning to beef up security a bit here. What I’ll probably do is keep putting it off until something happens and then do it while telling myself off for not having done it sooner.

Big ol’ Maglite under the bed. I’d heard somewhere that was better than something that’s obviously ready to be used to cause harm.

Makes sense.


Massive heavy dildo could do some harm.

But fuck, glad you caught it fuggs!

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I wouldn’t want to spend that much on a torch when I might break it over someone’s head however I found this torch it’s cheaper and shaped like a baseball bat, win win? Anyone breaking into my gaff at 3am is getting something wrapped around their head regardless of whether it’s better or not, typically the law is on the homeowners side as long as you’re not totally egregious with defending yourself / subduing someone. Honestly though, I hope I never have deal with someone like that.

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I did some reading, apparently it’s easy to get in a lot of trouble with stuff that’s obviously a weapon. You need something non-obvious you can keep in the bedroom and just grab if you need it. Maglight makes sense, but people do literally buy them as weapons. Big fat snowglobe or something? Maybe I’ll start collecting crystals…

People always talk about cricket bats or baseball bats, but if I had one last night there’d have been no room to swing it. Luckily I didn’t need it.

Fuck man I didn’t need this today, as if normal life isn’t stressful enough already


Hope you’re ok.

Man, that sucks. Check out tactical torches. I have one in each car. One in the each bedside cabinet. My wife has one she carries in her bag/rucksack. Got a couple of spares knocking about. They’re super bright and have a ‘blind’ setting that flashes and I tried it on myself and that shit works. They’ve also got a nice serrated end if you need to smash someone in the face with it. You can always clasp it in your palm if a bit of punching is required. Essentially they incapacitate your ‘subject’ and buy you some time to do whatever. They come in different sizes and aren’t too pricey. S.O.S. flash function too for camping/boating etc too.

Edit: these are just in case. Got lockable gates, a very barky dog, super top knotch locks on doors and windows, house alarm and cctv too. *not paranoid but it brings a bit of peace of mind, (especially when we’re not at home).

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Don’t go down the weapons route, there’s no point getting into a fight as satisfying as it might seem you’re setting yourself up for months or years of legal shit afterwards. It’s a lot simpler and less stressful to just make your home as secure as possible.

Lots of break-ins and general thieving going on in our city at the moment with all the junkies clucking due to losing their begging money.

You just have to tell yourself they probably won’t be back. They may even get caught, miracles do happen :smiley: