Not Stoked.

Make sure you don’t pop your blisters, they’re full of fluid that fixes your injured areas.
Get some Bepanthen or some good ointment in Boots.

18 month old daughter caught some nasty, nasty virus last week, with another virus on top, her temp went through the roof so fast we called an ambulance and they took her to hospital. She had to go on a drip and had this gnarly rash/fever everywhere. Wife had to take the week off work basically (as did I) to look after the poor baby.
Since she’s been back from hospital we have a stack of medicines we got to give her and she’s just about acting back to normal (apart from the scabs and marks all over her where the rash was).
Was super tough on wife, she has a load of work on at the moment and wasn’t getting any sleep etc. We can’t stick her back into daycare (baby, not wife) for another week or so. Came at a bad time for me, I’ve come back after a month off work (vacation) and need to get on top of everything again.

Rant over.

tl;dr: daughter was ill but is now ok


Good to hear mate.

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That’s quite rough to read having a child of a similar age.
Glad all is OK though fella.
That kind of thing does tend to happen at the wrong time, if ever there is a good one.

Good to hear she’s ok, sorry to hear about the clusterfuck at work as a result.

Rash and fever sounds like meningitis, hopefully not though.

That’s not cool. Our daughter had tones of illnesses at about that age which always led to seizures. These were always set off by high temperatures and apparently quite common with kids. But we always ended up in A&E and kept in for observation. This happened about 7 times between she was one and two.

Glad yours is on the mend.

Went out, tried to film something illegal and failed.

You’re just too legit, the universe won’t allow it.

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Hahaha, you’re too kind mate.

Some fucking idiot is drilling at 10.48pm in our block somewhere

Seriously, mate.

Had an interview for a job I’d really like today. Head full of shitty cold so I could barely think straight and my mouth was like the inside of a roadmender’s glove.

Pretty sure I hashed it up comprehensively.

Head up mate, I’m sure you did more than OK really!

Could be worse, you could of been that dude who paid 88 nuggets of golden delight for a vintage Chad Fernandez T shirt


too hot


Went out for my first skate In 2 weeks, 5 minutes in roll my ankle and had to limp off home

Not stoked on this. My nearest skatepark is in this park:

One usually turns up in the park we skate once a year. Non this year mind (so far).

Never quite understood the “Dump em in the river, they’ll never find us!” mentality…

some asshat waxed the shit out of my favourite car park block. literally thick chunks of wax deep on the top. going to have to sandpaper it down

Decunha clip coming soon.


genuine lol right there