Not Stoked.

All depends on what happens with nu-Covid.

Only 3 weeks till…………

Solstice and summer on its way !


Two-page ad in Thrasher for $120 Rip and Dip completes. GTFO.

I hate it and it seems to get worse every year too.

I like winter, I like snow, I don’t mind skating in cold weather. January and February are alright, far from my fav but alright, it’s just December that’s the worstest of all months.

As you said, in 3 weeks days are getting longer.


I find Jan/Feb the worst! For me at least in Dec you have the build up to xmas and a bit of a buzz that it’s the end of the year. And then wallop, you’ve Jan/Feb where you’ve no money, the weather is grim and it’s still dark!


January def worst.
There’s just the bleak nothingness, what’s there to look forward to, fucking Valentine’s Day? You’re good.


I like December as I know I’ve got a fortnight’s holiday coming up full of eating and drinking.


in fact yeah, December is rad. putting on my fleeces and big coats and bobble hats, seeing friends that have moved away back to see their families. great stuff.

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November & December are dog shit… go to work in the dark, come home in the dark… Grim. Jan & Feb can be bleak but at least it’s getting lighter and you know spring is closer.

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Yeah, wfh has helped me massively with this. Can at least get out in the middle of the day and see some daylight.

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Christmas and the build up to it is what makes December the worst month by far for me.
I hate New Year’s Eve and the forced fun that comes with it too but I always feel so relieved when I wake up on January 1st. Everything finally seems so quiet. No more hysteria. I usually try to go for a quick skate that day, best way to start a new year, no matter how hungover I am.

Fair, I love the xmas period and day but really hate NYE. Usually just try and go round friends (pre pandemic anyway) and have some nice food and play some board games!

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Been going early morning bike rides on New Year’s Day for the last several. Novelty of empty roads is a bit lost now though, following lockdown.

I usually do whatever my girlfriend wants us to do (which is usually dinner and drinks at some mates’ or at ours) as she loves all that December shite.
I’d watch movies or skate vids on my own all day, would go to bed early and would go for a solo skate at like 8 or 9 in the morning if I was single.

New Year’s Day is my birthday.
Always shit.


I usually hate my birthday but my girlfriend organized a surprise party for my 40th last month and it was incredible. I can’t remember ever feeling so much love around me. I was high on life for 3 days after that. I hope everyone gets to feel that way once in their life. I felt very lucky. :heart:


Christmas day is my birthday.
Bit of turkey and see the family.
Usually pretty good.

That’s more like it :grin:

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Oh man that must’ve sucked so bad growing up. Did you have a summer birthday to make up for it?

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No Summer birthday, just had to load up on a Christmas complete and grit me teeth.

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