Not Stoked.

Landed primo and bruised the sole of my foot trying to launch one over a barrier last night :sob:

Got asked to go into work today which I don’t mind doing, pulled up, and there was a human shit in the carpark nice.


Paging Sue Grey!


Been quite ill for 9 days, slept a lot during this time and had some time off work to rest. In a nutshell been to the doctors and as well as the neck pain and constant headaches my blood pressure very high - we’re talking regularly over 140/100, which is hypertension levels. Had a lot going on over the last 6 months so I’m not surprised. Not quite stroke/heart attack levels but not a million miles away either.

Time to start taking my health a little more seriously. On a good note I’ve barely drank recently, something that was no doubt contributing to the high blood pressure.


take it easy @Mike

Take care mate.

Cheers all - a bit of a surprise really. Just wish I could shift the flipping head and neck ache enough to go skating!

In the same boat with headaches, got this 24/7 headache and a tight neck. I’m still skating but it’s tough as have little motivation and am so tense it’s hard to commit to tricks. Can relate to what you said about the drinking before too. I managed 11 days off it recently, only to spoil it this past week and get drunk 3 times. Can’t remember if I mentioned it to you but the Freedom Model could help with that. I’ve been trying to read it but my concentration is shot.
Other than that, I can recommend high strength CBD, am currently taking the 600mg cbd, 60 capsules Love Hemp which are 2 for 1 at the moment but you can get 1,200 as well. It seems to take the edge off stress for me. All the best.


thinking about giving this shit a go - any advice is welcome

CBD is snake oil.

Doesn’t do anything.


Over the counter Boots shite, yeah (not sure Boots sell it), but there is legit CBD out there. I’m down for trying it and I don’t smoke weed. I’m thinking of getting some of the balm for aches and pains, like how Tiger balm works.

The Love Hemp capsules are good, but get the 600 or 1,200 ones. I find it helps me. I think the key is to get strong stuff.

Sounds similar - I’ve been in bed a lot sleeping which probably hasn’t helped. I’m going to try an Osteopath for my neck I think, it started the day after I’d had a load of beers so I expect I slept bad and trapped a nerve or something.

I’ll likely avoid CBD stuff to be honest, it sort of appeals but I’m not 100% sure. The CBD gummies make me think of Bucky Lasek and his Subaru videos :joy:

At the moment I’m slapping a mixture of ibuprofen gel, deep heat and red tiger balm all over my neck. I smell glorious lol

Good luck with the booze battle. Every morning after a night off I think how great it is to wake up without a groggy head.

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The old merc had finally had its days major MOT fails today , no more mobile skatepark for a while .
She did good for a £50 purchase back in feb 2015 that wasn’t supposed to pass its MOT then either.
Will be sorely missed


Gutted. Is it to pricey to fix now?

Subframe is gone , I can fix cars but this is beyond me

Front or rear? On a mini the front gets covered in oil so doesn’t rot then the back rots

Thought subframe is pretty simple, no?

Mot tester wants me to save it , but this is a mare cos the bush has to come out too


Could you get hold a second hand subframe with everything on it. Give it a refurb - clean it, new bushes etc and swap the whole lot over complete?