Not Stoked.

Best mate’s stepdaughter (early twenties) killed herself last week. I can’t even begin to imagine how they’re feeling right now.

Ordered a pizza on on Uber eats. Feeling generous after a few pints so I tip in advance, something I generally don’t do, I prefer to discover if my delivery driver deserves a tip before I tip.

Fucking delivery driver doesn’t even try to drive down my road, just parks at the end of it and calls me to come and pick it up. YOURE A FUCKING DELIVERY DRIVER MATE, DO A DELIVERY.

I actually went out to find him because I’m so hungry. I’m fuming.


Wow I’m such a Karen.


Got a wedding to go to in a couple of weeks, so I thought I’d better try on my (only) suit - to check it’s not moth-eaten and still fits alright…
Turns out I’ve turned into a bit of a fatty and my 32 inch waisted slim fit suit trousers are like sausage casing on me. I could barely get them on, and when I finally managed to I looked like an over-inflated inner tube in them.

Need to buy a new suit and go on a diet.


The same thing has prompted me to get on my first ever proper regime. Good luck.

I got an app to track calories and I’m just running a lot. Can’t do the weights or gym thing but i think it’s working. Still look pregnant just a bit less so.

Not-stoked: Had to go to A&E for my son and got stuck in insane traffic because of Ed fucking Sheeran. Its under 20mph from the English border to Cardiff.

I’ve now been sat in the car park for over 3 hours because they dont let 2 parents in. So fun.


Hope he’s all good g!


Of all things, Weighwatchers is finally shifting weight that keto, calorie counting and everything else couldn’t. Recommended for anyone fighting the good fight against fat back. 8lbs lost in the first 10 days and I don’t feel hungry.

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Same. I’ve noticed recently I’ve developed a belly and have gone up a trouser size. I think it’s a combination of being much less active the last year or two, plus a bad diet over lockdowns and definitely an increase in booze last year. Plus I’m 34 now, that magic metabolism is slipping away.

I eat pretty healthy I think - I’m mostly veggie as of this year, I don’t eat dairy, don’t really eat chocolate, don’t have much sugar in my diet - so I should be fine once I lose it, just got to figure out how…

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Yeah he has almost definitely has tonsillitis. Just got to check it’s nothing gnarlier but he’s at way way more risk of catching something horrible now in the waiting room. Full of rank coughing and spluttering kids for hours.

I think this is our fourth time doing this.

Going to get five live on now and listen to the football.

Well done. That’s gnarly.

I’m going down the eat much better route. Basically baking food rather than frying and eating way more veg and reducing portion sizes way down. Got a good store of meals now so it’s getting easier. Got that spray oil shit too.

You just have to have the willpower not to touch anything bad for you. It’s easier said than done but it depends how into it you are. My father in law was trying to push bbq sauce glazed posh dogs on me earlier and had to say no even though they looked amazing. But i knew one of those was a 25 minute run so it’s easier to just not have the bad thing.

I’m genuinly shocked how good a jacket spud is without butter on it as well. I used to melt a quarter of the pack on mine.

I’m hammering the 5 a day thing so even if I’m not shedding weight i definitely feel a lot better. Have way more energy in general and just feel better. Might be a placebo though.

I’ve lost about 4 or 5lbs in 2 weeks. I think it was mainly from my tits.


It’s almost certainly water that’s gone mainly. Weightwatchers just points you away from saturated fats and refined carbs like sugar and white flour and towards high fibre, high water content food to keep you full. Snacking at night is the killer and I’d give my left ball for a kg of cheddar on toast right now.

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That’s amazing! I did 5:2 and lost 0.5lb - 1lb a week for a couple of months, and then stabilised. Almost a pound a day is impressive

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Tried that too, just hated the :2 days each week but guess it’s whatever works for you. My mums lost 3 stone a few times on this one so thought I’d try it. The fact she put it back on each time is not lost on me but fuck it, might as well give it a go. You can do it all off an app too, no weekly weigh ins with other fatties.

Good work, Les. Starting is the hardest part. I need to sort myself out too.
I used to cycle to work every day for nearly 20 years, but went freelance last July and have been working from home a lot. I’m not cycling the 25 k a day like i used to but still eating like I am.

I hope your lad is OK?

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In 10 days! Jesus, that’s good going man.

Yes - you feel really awful 2 days a week

Yeah fine. It’s tonsillitis which he gets most months.

We were there 5 hours and no one really looked at him for most of the time.

Wife managed to get a nurse to have a look at him and tood us he was 7th in the list to see a doctor so we just went home and the nurse was fine with it. Would’ve been there literally all night.

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Are his tonsils enlarged? Both of my kids were and they were fucking their sleep up so both of my kids had theirs out.

Had tonsillitis a few yers back myself and it was fucking terrible.

Yeah they’re huge. You should hear him snoring now. Sounds like a pneumatic drill.

It’s on the cards to have them out but they try and put it off if they can. Poor fucker gets this basically every other month though. He’s been pumped with more antibiotics than an American chicken.

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Sounds familiar. Sleep study first and then they’ll whip ‘em out. It’s for the best.

I think both of my kids were around 3 when done. My daughter actually became vocal after hers were done.