Not Stoked.

Ominous anonymous death threats through the letterbox to get them in another postcode for the day?

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Found out there’s a great big hole in the rear arm on me car.

Oh the joys of owning a car.

Posting shit to the EU is a massive ballache. Just had a parcel returned from Ireland for incomplete customs info, which is all there as far as I can tell.

Anyone know any tips? Another Brexit dividend

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I remember when I used to do the mail-order part of my business (and eBay of course) early 00s and it was constant custom forms and classification declarations etc then suddenly it was a piece of piss. And now it’s back again.


Super inconsistent and frankly too expensive. I tell my family to wait until they see me to give me stuff or order for delivery from within the EU because I had to pay up to three times the value of what’s sent in customs duties. Always pleasant to pay for your own birthday presents in excessive customs duties - not.

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We had 4 boxes of seeds turn up today at work. The customs charge from UPS was £600 from Malaga.

Find out Monday what they are for. Reckon someone’s in for a swift bollocking!

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I’m going to stop sending to the EU at this rate. It’s easier to send to USA than Ireland…

I mean we have a fucking warehouse in Malaga and phytosanitary certificates but yer £600

About to have an emergency tooth extraction at a random dentist in the city centre. My usual dentist couldn’t get me in until Friday. Normal NHS dentist planned to charge me £40 for the extraction. Private emergency dentist charged me £400.

Had to pay it though as the pain was too much. Haven’t slept since Wednesday.


Good luck. I’m having a crown in 13 days. Since the original booking the temp cap filling fell out, even more tooth fell out and then a couple of days ago the remaining filling fell out. No pain yet, but trying to be careful with the remaining 20% or so of tooth :man_facepalming:

I was offered extraction but thought I’ll try a crown first.

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Damn you’re lucky! If it wasn’t for the pain I’d probably go down another route but I gotta get it out so I can sleep and eat again. Near the back as well. Out of sight out of mind innit.

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It is horrendous when painful but I expect once out its all good for you. I keep on messing with the hole, I think there must be some filling over the root with mine hence no pain.

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Feels like I have sciatica. My back was on its way and skating last Sat finished it off. Woke up at 4am Sunday morning and struggled to get in and out of bed.

Seems to have gotten a little better since but it’s still pretty painful. Lower back and down the back of my left leg. Hoping to get out to the Osteopath soon. In the meantime tens machine when I can be arsed and ibuprofen :roll_eyes:

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Could you try going to see a physio for your back? The guy I saw gave me loads of little exercises to do which have helped loads with my back.

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Yeah defo see a physio over an osteopath.


Please remember that osteopathy is akin to homeopathy. There’s little to no evidence that is does anything good

See a physio


Cheers x3.

Will look into physio. Not sure it’s something I’m going to get on the NHS around here so will have to have a dig about and see if I can just pay. Need to see someone now, not wait 2-3 weeks for GP then months for a referral, such as the situation seems to be right now.

Ankle scan is 31st July - happened March!!!

Could be worse - my little sister (who’s is 40 soon lol) has just been diagnosed with MS.

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Check some of the squat university videos on youtube for sciatica exercises. But yeah, try and see a physio too.

Ah sorry to hear that, how’s she handling it? Upside is legal weed no?

Said this before, but I swear by the osteopath I visit. He’s an ex rugby player who fucked his knee and retrained as a sports physio and then moved into osteopathy. I would describe it as a blend between a chiropractor who cracks your joints and a deep tissue sports massage.

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