Not Stoked.

It’s weird as we are completely powerless to do anything.
We only found out today that she is in Tokyo.
We were beginning to fear the absolute worst but if there’s a positive, at least she’s alive and hopefully out of harms reach.
We just have to keep waiting to hear little updates coming to us via Sweden.

Would the Swedish Embassy in London be a half decent place to contact for help?

What a hugely shit thing to be involved in. Hope it all turns out ok, man.

I pitched the idea to my other half and she didn’t follow it up. I am not sure why. It is a tricky subject to discuss when you don’t know whether to talk about it or give her a break from thinking about it.
The Swedish initially respected the privacy of the individual to the point that they would protect the individuals right to privacy for up to 2 weeks.
She was caught within 2 to 4 days of leaving Sweden.

Mush - if you have anything in Japanese that you need translating, please shout me.

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Thanks mate.
Much appreciated.

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le sigh

just sprained (or something) my knee for the second time in 6 months or so. foolishly thought new bearings and a large skate park would be a good idea when i’ve had very little sleep. i’d kick myself but dunno if i could handle the movement

Mush that’s mental. She should at least be safe but advise her to sell anything and get a really good lawyer. She might have some angles with her age, vulnerability and the fact she was scammed.

What the hell! Mush, that is utterly bonkers. Making me worried about my mum now, although she has no money so she’s more likely to get scammed £2.99 from some clicky adverts that pop up on some Jewel quest game app than anything else.
I hope it gets sorted with minimal stress, I bet your missus is out of her mind.

Broke my phone fixing my phone.

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She was more out of her mind the longer it got with no awareness as to where or how she was.
Realisation is a slow process.
Once she was satisfied with knowing a bit about the situation, which is all we still know to now, the various other things have become concerns such as the business she runs, might she be returned to Sweden, is there any leniency if she was unaware of what was happening… loads of factors to consider.
It’s not as though it’s that common an experience that you can just expect anybody to be able to know the answers to.
It’s all speculative until we start hearing more.

Sorry to hear that man

That’s never a nice thing man, hopefully he will feel better if anything does happen after we leave this place.

Really sorry to hear that.

Man that’s fucking awful. Condolences.

That’s terrible. We really are fucking useless at talking to people about feelings n that. Condolences

Really sorry for your loss mate

Just read the article of his you posted on Instagram.

Chilling stuff, when I was going through some relatively minor issues last year, knowing I could see someone pretty much instantly, due to the luck of my circumstances, was about the only thing that saved them from being much worse.

Male mental health is so important.

As a semi unrelated aside, I was talking to a friend recently about cycling and she was worried I was going to turn into a Lycra clad middle aged weirdo sooner, rather than later. She then mused, wondering why so many middle aged men get into cycling with such force (eg head to toe lycra, thousands of dollars bikes). I can only imagine that it’s one of the few hobbies that has less emphasis on ending up at the pub, whilst still maintaining a social aspect, thus being good for health, mental and otherwise. Skateboarding is similar. Probably end up in the pub more though.

Sorry to hear about your mate Jagger.

This is superficial after the last few posts, but is anyone else finding the new forum properly jumps about when your scrolling down a thread? Is there a setting to stop it?

There are adds after ever forth or fifth post now, that weren’t there before. Constantly loading or changing as you scroll. It’s not a good look for such a slick forum.

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I have an idea for getting rid of Google ads and supporting the forum via amazon referral links BUT I am going to need a few days to check the legality of it. Ads currently appear every 8 posts, but I’ll bump this to 9 for the time being.

Ads are an inconvenience but they are a necessity until I find a mutually acceptable way of making the forum financially self-sustaining.

Thank you for understanding.