Not Stoked.

and the dude knows where you live.


Yeah still in road haulage. Situation likely not helped by coming up to the busiest week of the year.

Theses are all very valid points.

If this guy stole it from elsewhere then i’d say go break his legs but if he is already stealing then he’s not going to be shy of other antisocial activities so he may well want to get his own back.
Fucking infuriating though man, sorry to hear.


There must be a recovery agency that could send a couple of massive blokes round to repossess it for a few quid, so you’re not directly involved?

Don’t forget your red swingline before you leave.


Where do they go after that?

It’s fucking rife in Oxford.

I’m so sorry to hear that man. :heart: :broken_heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Overseas by ship, I think.

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Going to meet the guy tonight after work and bringing the police along to pop out of the shadows when he appears. I think minimum I’ll get my wife’s bianchi back, my scrapper might have to be a sacrifice sadly, it’s not really worth much but has sentimental value.


Keep us posted! This is better than The Bill. :slightly_smiling_face:

Le flics

I had my bike stolen from outside Nursery earlier this year. It was spotted locked up just round the corner by another parent. I had reported it stolen so contacted the police to say I’m going to get it back. I wasn’t expecting them to do anything but, they said they would be there with in an hour to my surprise. They never turned up (of course) so I just called them again and told them I was going to cut the lock, they said good luck with that. Cut the lock and it freed my bike and another stolen one. The road was full of stolen bikes locked up. Took the other one to the police despatch centre (which was 5 minutes away) where they told me they don’t deal with stolen Bikes!! As I had a crime number I told them I won’t let them close the case unless they took the other bike, which they did in the end. Told them about the other stolen bikes and once again they said they don’t deal with things like that. Fucking useless


We got insurance when we bought our electric bikes. I love mine and would hate it if someone stole it but I could go get another one from the bike shop the next day and not have to worry about money if that happened, which is pretty reassuring I suppose.

Hope you get your bikes back Niallc.

Mine was stolen when i lived in kings lynn. Come out of work and it was gone. Reported to the popo but they said it was highly unlikely i’d get it back.

6 weeks later walking back from work through the park i spot my bike being pushed along by a few scallies. A quick thought led to a swift action and i ran over and placed my hand on the bike asking where they got it from. Looking a bit confused they told me to fuck off so taking some Dead Mans shoes inspiration and bringing out my best Barrovian i started screaming calling them every name under the sun putting massive emphasis that this was my stolen bike with other park users stopping and looking our way. My bike is covered in skate stickers so i was asking what each sticker was. They couldn’t answer to which id reinforce it was stolen and it belonged to me.

Supposedly they had bought it for ‘a can of stella’ off their mate who ‘just got out of prison’.

I said I couldn’t give two fucks and took the bike back and said i was going to take their photos to hand to the police and asked for their ages.

They were all between ages of 16-18 so i said ‘ tell you what. You’re young and when we’re young we make mistakes. So let me give you some advice. Don’t hang out with fabricants that have been to jail. Don’t go around nicking stuff and especially don’t nick my stuff. Now all of you fuck off before i get really angry and beat you to death with my own bike.’

They left, i stared them down as they left ( i lived across the road from the park so didn’t want them seeing me enter my house). Got in and had a very shaky cup of tea.

Happy to say i still have the bike.



I went after work and called in at the police station near the guys address to ask if they would come with me. They were so hyped to get involved. One guy came with me in my car to pretend to be my friend because my french isn’t super good.
We got to the guys flat in some housing estate which they said is a bit of a dodgy area and went up where some guy let us in. He apparently wasn’t the one selling them it was his friend which I kind of believe as at one point he called someone to ask how much the blue one was. When the guy turned his back my policeman mate looked at me and I gave him a big nod to confirm they are the bikes and he sneakily went and opened the front door.
Matey boy says to the policeman ‘you have a face like a policeman’ then about 10 seconds later 8 police men burst into the flat and grab the seller. One guy accidentally grabbed me, I must be dodgy looking.
They then swept around the flat guns out and started showing the seller photos trying to find out who the seller is.
I feel slightly bad for the guy because I don’t actually think he had that much to do with it because he was just chilling in his flat with his cat making dinner.
I also don’t though because don’t sell dodgy stuff for dodgy people.
I’m now back at the station with a hot chocolate waiting for my friends to come back and I think I have to fill out some forms.
Bonus thing also, I think if you are the victim of a crime in France you get reparations paid.

Fucking sick.


You need to become a french police officer


I feel like a fucking badman


Is it a small town? I wonder how many raids/busts do you reckon those guys did before?


Aix en Provence, pretty big