Not Stoked.

Sounds like it gave you bowel issues too.
Adding to list of possible symptoms.

Maybe get your shopping delivered instead?

edit: As @Mush already said…


It is what it is. At least I’ll be fine for a bit when I’ll be in good shape again.

Seems like we’re gonna go through more “once-in-a-century” pandemics during the next decades. I want to keep enhancing my immune system with good organic stuff like lemon and ginger and less bad food.

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Not stoked on the simple minded cunts who still find fireworks amusing. Fuck off with your whizz bangs you numpty fucks. Fireworks are a physical embodiment of the law of depreciating returns. Much like scooters anyone that still likes these things and is over the age of ten clearly has some sort of mental disorder. My poor little dog is doing her but… aaaargh!



Fireworks are for window lickers.


Took a shot in the dark and dug out a rawhide bone… Winnie is now oblivious to the barrage of explosions and is happily chewing away. Me, on the other hand, I’m still screwing. Noisy bastard things. I have a feeling that being glued to the US election for for over 24 hours hasn’t done much for my usual ‘zen like’ existence :wink:

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anyone who lets off fireworks in their garden is a fucking cunt (who also clearly don’t have pets or a young child in the gaff)


I have no feelings about fireworks either way but I feel some of you are overreacting slightly. It’s not like they voted for trump or brexit or something


<---- window licker/cunt (who has young’ish kids and pets). Do you what who usually made the most noise ALL YEAR ROUND when my kids were babies, skateboards!



I wouldn’t be wholly surprised if there’s a direct correlation :wink:

I get you…only round here they don’t. It’s usually calm and tranquil. It’s only this year that people seem to want to recreate the Sydney Harbour NYE celebrations for themselves from gardens, the beach, boats, wherever. The place was sounding like a war zone. Still, like you said, it’s not all year round. My feelings on the subject were more than swayed by my dog going spare and looking like she was going to have a heart attack. I know that over the years I have pissed off so many people with the noise of me skating but that was before I became a middle aged stick in the mud. Anyway, fingers crossed it’s (sort of) done with for now…back to stressing over the election :grinning:

I was thinking that as I typed it :yum: in our town there were people complaining about the fireworks and the general response was that it was a tradition and therefore somehow unbritish not to like them. Weirdos

No fireworks night here, don’t miss it at all

Only good thing about fireworks is that me and a mate went filming in the city centre very late last night and people from the flats above couldn’t really complain about our noise because the booms and vans were louder.

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Struggling to wonder why we celebrate a guy who FAILED to blow up parliament.

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points for trying?


we don’t celebrate the guy though, we celebrate the fact that our awesome king survived and its more a fuck you to guy faulkes.


Seeing as it’s remembrance Sunday this week end, it seems the firework cunt brigade of sun readers who love their country so much, dont give a thought to the poor cunts with ptsd who actually served who find firework night hell.


After the year we’ve had it felt good to blow up some fireworks and make fire (in a safe way). There aren’t a lot of laughs coming all our ways any time soon, so hell yeah I had a rad time with the kids, while we could. Laughs and letting off pressure was needed. Not going to feel bad for that ever!