Palace thread

Most of those comments are try hard most of the time, even if some are funny. It’s def a good hypey way to get people to go to your site and maybe buy stuff. All good in my eyes even if I’m not into their schtick.

There are plenty of worse things to have a dig at. Such as hop king or braille.

I’ve always liked Palace, as I’m stoked to have seen them go from SB skate rats to where they are now, and always argued that they’ve stayed true to who they are, and this is the kind of thing that would get said when everyone was sitting next to the river, chilling, but that doesn’t mean it needs to go out on social media.


But even they aren’t doing any particular harm, they are just a bit embarrassing. They are doing way more for kids than most cool brands albeit for social media pay.

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I think I must be some sort of monster who thinks kids should go and figure it out on their own. Like in the good old days.

It doesn’t matter really. I’m not their target audience. Just made them look a bit less cool in my eyes, but that’s not important to them, so fair enough.

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Suciu is a nerd/kook/weirdo. This makes Palace look like bullies. It’s not funny or necessary. I’m all for talking shit and trying to be funny but Palace’s graphics are the cheesiest out there and only kids buy them.


Instead of having a cry wank over it. He should of gone back to that spot dressed as Ali G and shot an ad of a flip fakie on it with a “Phallus” Deck.

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Again my sides are truly splitting at this latest dig from Palace. Way more brands that are worth calling out for one thing. Not losing much sleep over it though.

It’s a good ad, more shit talking please. Mark Suciu is a mong

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hahaha yes - way funnier

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Thank god for Weck


At least someone knows how to play the game!

Oh that was so sick.

Rory Milanes, pool skating. Never thought I’d be typing that!

Rory always was pretty solid on a transition. He’d skate that big mini ramp at Playstation when he was about 12-13 and look really comfy.



Posted those a while ago and I think it was decided that it’s fine.

Nothing fine about that tongue.

Although I do love watching golf.