Pizza making thread

NY is thin, Chicago is a pie.

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Not deep pan just regular thin NY

Ah ok. I thought thin was Neapolitana hence asking what NY was

The difference is the cheese right? Neapolitan is patches of mozzarella and NY is grated cheese all over, or something. I remember watching some David Chang show where he geeked out for an hour about “pure” neopolitan pizza. Was pretty interesting.

What do you guys do for tomato sauce? Make your own? Edit, just seen @ParmoViolets post above

I’ve started bulk cooling tomato sauce for pasta, basically just boiling a few halved onions in Italian tinned tomatoes with loads of butter or olive oil for an hour or so. So nice.

Tonight’s tea


Fuck this I’m buying a Pizza oven. Recommendations that aren’t completely piss take as some of these set ups look spenny.


Saw one in aldi that you put on top of a normal bbq. Quite tempted.

Mine was about £250 I think (was a present) but I’m diplomatically suggesting we upgrade to the Grozney gas one above in the thread. The Aldi one looks amazing for the price.

Neapolitan pizzas use 00 flour and soft cheese/mozzarella and cook at higher temp of 400+/take 60 to 90 seconds. Neapolitan is chewy, lighter and bubblier.

NY is plain flour and hard/shredded mozzarella and cooks over 3-5 mins. NY also has sugar.


Thanks. Interesting to know the difference. I always use Tipo 00 and mozzarella. The kids prefer the shredded cheddar

Iv just been looking at Pizza, what one is that?

Think it’s this one, which is cheaper than I thought. It works great. Original Series Pizza Oven Box

One of today’s efforts with dough made 5 hours before cooking:


I can’t find 00 flour anywhere at the minute, is there some conspiracy I don’t know about?

The Roccbox which I’ve posted above and makes really great pizza is £400 by the looks of it.

As a middle class pizza nerd, I judge this as money well spent, others might disagree :man_shrugging:

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Nope that sounds reasonable.


My mate was saying Ooni 12s (one in the ad above that i also have) are going for 200 somewhere at the minute. I’ll text him and find out where

We’ll be getting Tory party ads next due to the excessive use of Michael Fabricant…

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Set up the pizza oven my wife got me for Christmas yesterday, debut outing very happy with it. First trial run went well. Going to read through this thread properly, do some proper R&D and will be back with the results. This is the sort of thread I come here for! What’s a skateboard?!